Finished - Fallschirmjäger Normandie 1944
31 21 May 2021, 20:30

A small vignette using Munich Kits Deutsche Fallschirmjäger (German Paratroopers) in scale 1/72. Three of the six figures are already painted using acrylics. The wall was made of styrofoam and was painted with acrylics as well.
Happy Modelling, Christian
21 May 2021, 20:39

Well I thought long what about plants and vefetation, then I found this wonderful tree made by the company Silhouette. Now some clay for the ground, some green and vegetation along the wall and this will be done🙂
Happy Modelling, Christian
12 August 2021, 20:18

Well, I call this done. The last work was to add the vegetation. First I used vegetation material from Silhouette Modellbau. This fine company has excellent material for building and creating dioramas also in sall scales. I can highly recommend it.
Happy Modelling, Christian
19 August 2021, 18:53