krus123Nice job!
19 July 2021, 14:00
Rui SNice camo paintjob 👍
25 July 2021, 15:03
NeulingVery beautiful colors and careful build!
27 July 2021, 07:59
vatraxi1000Love the underside color!Is it the xf 23 advised by Tamiya or a mix of colors?
27 November 2021, 18:44
James CFantastic looking IL-2. I really like that camouflage scheme👍
27 November 2021, 23:36
Mark Lisnyy Ауторvatraxi1000, it's mix of xf-23, some blue, white and grey. 😁
30 November 2021, 14:31
Jan PetersThat's a very nice sturmovik👍🏻
30 November 2021, 14:37
Steven MLovely work
30 November 2021, 14:49
MickyGood job Mark! good paneling and shadowing effects. Did you use oil paints to do that lighter colors inside panels?
30 November 2021, 15:09
Spanjaardbeautiful Sturmovik
30 November 2021, 15:26
Mark Lisnyy АуторMicky, i used marbling technique!
30 November 2021, 16:22
MickyThanks, Mark. The result is perfect!
30 November 2021, 18:35
Alex RodionovPerfect realisation and presentation.
30 November 2021, 19:26
Daniel KlinkJust one word! Superb! 👍👍👍
30 November 2021, 19:36