Testors | No. 506 | 1:48 | North American Rockwell OV-10 Bronco
77 22 September 2021, 13:34

Hi Robert 🙂 Thanks for your comment, great to have you onboard. Yeah you're right... I was hoping for a quick (in-between) build of another vintage kit. There isn't a lot to it as far as parts go but it is fighting me somewhat, still I'm not resigning it to the shelf of doom yet. It's beginning to shape up (a bit!)
6 December 2021, 17:01

I love twin boomers and had a wish to do a bronco, so interested in seeing where this goes. I have similar putty requirements with the o-2 skymaster i have 'paused' on.
16 February 2022, 12:57

Hi Ian 🙂 yeah this old Testors kit has required a fair bit of putty for sure. Thanks for your comment. Nice to have your interest 👍
16 February 2022, 20:45

Hi Jv, thanks for your interest 🙂 yes, all the camouflage has been brush painted... Just for the hell of it! 😂 But meant no masking of course.
18 March 2022, 23:48

Yes interesting to me sens I am still limited in tools
So great to see results like this
19 March 2022, 01:53

Hi Jv, thanks for the feedback, very kind of you. Yes, I usually mix it up on a paint job, using airbrush and a stick... I can never be arsed with a load of masking on camo, especially tri-colour schemes, sloppy of me I know! 😉 😅 Thanks for the likes mates also 👍
26 March 2022, 17:05

Hi Roland 🙂 thanks for the like. Agreed, there's something 'cute' about it as a design! I know that kit too... My lesson learnt on this one - you need a lot of nose weight! Obviously looking forward to seeing your build very much mate 👍
8 April 2022, 10:57

Great job on the camouflage, and especially so for being done with a hairy stick! Looking fantastic!👍
12 May 2022, 17:17

So this was hand painted camo… are you a marksman in army or so? What a steady hand!
23 May 2022, 13:01

Hiya Chan Li 🙂 haha... Nothing like that for me! Thanks very much for your comment - It's because I'm lazy and couldn't be bothered to mask it all up! So decided to use a 'hairy stick' instead. I'm happy with the result and nearly there with it, more images coming soon 👍
24 May 2022, 13:25

It looks good though, smooth and even, I used to do hand paint as well… but now I rely too much on airbrush.
24 May 2022, 15:16

Looks great! The Testors main landing gear look solid. I might steal those from my Testors kit to put into my ICM kit 🙂
17 September 2022, 23:21

Hi David, thanks for commenting 🙂 ...Agreed, that could be a useful plan! 👍
19 September 2022, 12:08

Hi all 🙂 I've finally got around to taking 'reveal' pictures for many of my previous build albums. I shall be updating each and including a few build notes in the description too - especially on the bits I messed up! Broke! Dropped! etc. This time I present my version of the venerable Testors Bronco, completed back in the depths of 2022. Thanks to all who showed interest and liked, it's very much appreciated from such a talented lot as you guys.
1 March 2024, 12:46

Gorgeous Bronco! Certainly unique camo pattern - by hand no less! The weathering is definitely up to your usual standards. most hand painted camps end up very thick - so you must have used a lot of paint retarder or really thinned out that paint repeatedly to keep the layers thin and stop the paint from drying.
I must have missed the memo on the Build a Bronco month - there seems to be a lot of those builds recently! 😀
1 March 2024, 15:42

Thanks J35J and CaptGPF! Super kind 😁 Yes, the camouflage on this one was an experimental scheme as detailed in the kit options. I decided to hand paint it on a bit of a whim tbh... I never bothered with any retarder, thinner fluid or masking. Just freehand built it up in multiple watered down layers. It's another earlier build where I've been able to add some reveal imagery. Thanks very much for everyone who liked also 👍
2 March 2024, 17:59

Hi J35J, thanks 👍 my go to is always Vallejo, but I also have AK and Hataka in my arsenal! Predominantly Vallejo on this one. Thanks for the recent likes 👍
2 March 2024, 22:16

As you know I'm more AFV, maybee that's why I missed this beauty, but I always like to see your finished work. Great & great camo on this one by the way 👍
3 March 2024, 12:28

You're very kind Rui ☺️ no probs. I'm always appreciative that you would view my efforts. I remain humbled that any of you talented bunch like or comment... Best wishes to you all on your own modelling exploits and thank you all for the likes. 👍 🙂
4 March 2024, 14:23
Album info
The North American Rockwell OV-10 Bronco is an American twin-turboprop light attack and observation aircraft. It was developed in the 1960s as a special aircraft for counter-insurgency (COIN) combat, and one of its primary missions was as a forward air control (FAC) aircraft. It can carry up to 3,200 lb (1,450 kg) of external munitions, internal loads such as paratroopers or stretchers, and loiter for three or more hours.