Rescue! Black Cat Catalina PBY5A
63 10 October 2021, 18:37

Made a rescue dio with a Catalina myself some years ago - so I'm curious how you set it up... The start was already great 👍
10 October 2021, 19:13

Watching & learning. I will build this kit someday but not to this level.
10 October 2021, 21:22

Danke Leute. Thanx guys for your interest and your comments. Right now progress is quite good. Lets hope it stays that way.
10 October 2021, 22:32

@Juergen: I would like to see a pic or two of your rescue scene.
11 October 2021, 11:14

Hi panorama - thx for your interessed....check out
11 October 2021, 17:24

@Oliver @Juergen
I agree on that. That is about the feel of the scene I would like to convey too.
12 October 2021, 09:00

Really liking you details and scratch work, and the painting is looking very good too. The views into the interior really add lots, and are worth the extra care you took 👍🙂 I'm looking forward to seeing the next stages 🙂
4 November 2021, 19:15

Thanx Gary, Cuajete and Bruce for the nice feedback. A rainy weekend made some progress possible.
7 November 2021, 23:38

Praying for more bad weather, as the diorama seascape looks tremendous already 👍🙂
9 November 2021, 19:52

Count me in. Looking good so far and looking forward to see your water surface
13 November 2021, 06:31

Hi and thanks Harry and Moritz. Nice to have you on board.
14 November 2021, 13:33

Looking awesome. Will almost be a shame to bury that nice looking blue under the black. 👍
22 November 2021, 16:49

that is super impressive !! I will try to get inspired from your amazing work of the interior and chipping. Btw what chipping material and varnish you used ?
12 December 2021, 13:01

Your worn out Cat looks good! Nice paint job, looking forward to your next steps,....
13 December 2021, 11:41

@James: you are right. Sometimes I have second thoughts about the black. But my mind is set: it will turn black 🙂.
@Pierre. Thanks for your kind words. Concering my technique: I learned the hard way to seal my basic paint with a good coat of varnish (Humbrol or Tamiya clear varnish) to protect it from the following steps. In the past I used decanted hair spray as chipping fluid but switched to MIGs chipping medium for this build. I am disappointed by it. Basic consistency is more honey like and does not go through my gun. Thinning it with water does noch leave a nice even coat is I had with hair spray. Probably the mistake is all mine, but I have not figured out, what and where I did them. Another important lessen was to spray only thin coats of paint and not not wait too long before you start the washing process. Adhearance to these concepts made weathering of the hull easier than on the wing. On the wing I used Windex to soften the paint. As I did not have good success with a stiff brush I start my weathering with an old tooth brush. Its stiffness, yet flexibility prooved to be a good setup to wear down the paint initially. As soon, as wear shows I switch to a stiff brush to modulate the effect. When your done add another coar of varnish.
Puh, a lot of text. Hope it is clear enough and helps you avoid a few of my difficulties.
@Jürgen: Thanx, stay tuned.
13 December 2021, 15:38

nice chipping!
good surface for a well worn look
and I really like your pilots 😁
the whole thing looks like a very good dio to me...
22 January 2022, 22:46

Hi Simon, thanks for your encouraging words. Now that the project sat at the side for a while it is time to tackle the next hurdles. Namely finishing the machine guns at the aft compartment so that I can finally mount the bubble canopies and go on then with painting.
25 January 2022, 10:19

Oh Boy. It is really that long ago that I didn't commence. Shar, your like for the project refreshes my motivation to continue this one soon. And a late thanks to Thomas for the positive feedback.
20 May 2023, 10:59

Better check this one out, it's on the future list- I built it years ago and seem to remember it went well-yours too?
13 June 2023, 22:09

Hi Andy. The build didn't pose any problems whatsoever. Fit was really nice. Exterior detail is quite good. Interior detail is pretty basic - particularly around the blisters. I suggested an upgrade kit to CMK. Let's see whether they pick up the idea.
14 June 2023, 07:47

By the time I come 'round to building mine, they may have commissioned an aftermarket?!
14 June 2023, 07:58

Well, let's cross fingers. The Catalina is quite a popular plane after all and the kit is rereleased once in a while. So there should be a market for it.
14 June 2023, 09:14

Thanks Nikita and all the others for stopping by and leaving a like.
25 June 2023, 05:20

Very nice progress Michael... an most impressive craftsmanship mate 👍
29 July 2023, 20:31
Album info
Revells kit improved with some scratch building, Quickboost parts, Eduards PE set and some figures from P.J. Productions and CMK.
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