Pink Tank
42 26 October 2021, 15:21

Nice work. 👍
🙂 Can't wait to see which Stompie livery you pick next...
26 October 2021, 20:33

Thanx Spanjaard.
@Mark: oh yeah, now that you mention it. Stompie is the name of that tank. I almost forgot. Well, there will not be another livery of it in the near future, but certainly another Dragon T-34. And I already have an idea - as well a bit off the beaten tracks...
@Mona: I fully understand that 🙂
27 October 2021, 14:42

crazy looking t-34, looks awesome 🤣🤣
like such ideas, always a nice change!
also the wall elements are great work- good job so far 👍
27 October 2021, 16:02

I've seen that you've used pe tracks.
I want to use the same for mine, how was the assembly?
29 October 2021, 19:15

Hi Simon. Actually the PE tracks from Voyager were quite easy to assemble. I recommend, that you bend them over a drill which is 0,1 mm thicker than the wire, that comes with the fret. By doing so you get a nice round shape of the latches and it is easy to insert the wire. Mind, that the wire provided with the PE set is not long enought (at least it was not at my set). So have some replacement at hand. Other than that, it worked like a charm.
29 October 2021, 19:19

Looks like Stompie is not there anymore. Got moved for restoration early Jan '22.
13 February 2022, 23:56

Nice replica. Good work on the ground work and building walls and fence. Very realistic. Is that Banksy work on the walls?
14 February 2022, 00:54

Thanks mates for your nice comments and likes.
@Robbie: I am anxious to see in which color it will come back.
@Cabeza Plástico: yes, indeed. Historically they are not 100% correct, as they appeared when Stompie had a different livery, but I liked them so much, that I had to add them.
14 February 2022, 15:13

Cheerio Cabeza Plastico for digging out this ol thread. 🙂 A very late thanks to Alex too.
16 January 2023, 11:24

Thanks Carlos and Chris for your encouraging feedback and like.
20 January 2023, 12:28
Album info
Street Art on a T-34