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Robin (WhiteGlint) (WhiteGlint)

Leopard 1 Jagdpanzer (Tank Destroyer)


62 22 May 2022, 19:48
Robin (WhiteGlint) Аутор
Alrighty. First minor modifications are under way.
You could say that the shape of the hull is not that complex but measuring and cutting that will be a pain.
To avoid too many headaches, I'll stick to Ingo F's advice and start with simple shapes that I will build upon.

Until now I did no complex planning. I try to solve the problems as I encounter them.
That can lead to the next problems but otherwise I will be stuck in the planning phase forever. 😄
I like these range finders (or view ports?) the A1 has on the sides of its turret, so I will attach them here as well.
(In truth I have no idea how to shape the hull when I do it exactly like the renders that inspired me. 😎)
 22 May 2022, 19:59
Alberto Bianchi
I believe that the side plates are more inclined in the 3D drawing, I would make two side pieces that connect with the width of the hull, but without right and left "spike" (other two pieces) which then join converging on the front part of the hull ... But it is also beautiful as you did it, it looks more like a "Stug" from the past. Come on, it turns out a nice model!
 22 May 2022, 20:15
Robin (WhiteGlint) Аутор
Hello Alberto,
thanks for tuning in. 🙂
Yes you are right, but I am not there yet. If I understood you correctly, that's exactly what I am planning to do.
I will build some very simple box shap that I can use to build everything else around. I hope it does not stay that blocky once I am done. The StuG idea also has appeal, I will keep that in mind.

The problem I have are the "viewports" you see on the render, that are part of the inclinated plate that connects the front plates with the side plates.
There I would need to cut parts out because the ports are somewhat recessed. And do a whole lot of modelling underneath.
Instead I think about glueing them to the sides of the hull. Maybe I can pull it off, not sure.

I'll know more once I made some more progress. Depending on the effort the hull makes I might buy some new tracks or a metal or resin gun. Not much happened until now but it was good fun so far.
 22 May 2022, 20:38
Alberto Bianchi
Hello Robin,
I understand that you also want to make a great idea of using additional extra parts.
Every now and then I try myself in self-construction and to get some results without doing damage and wasting material I first make the cardboard pieces (the one for breakfast snacks 🙂) because it folds, but if the folding point is wrong , I can take it back and then fold it, so I get measurements for the pieces to be cut and a rough "vision" of what I get.
I really like your idea (I'm not copying you! 🙂 I hope to see some more nice photos on the progress of the work soon. Bye
 22 May 2022, 20:56
Robin (WhiteGlint) Аутор
I keep the cardboard box next time I finish my cornflakes.
Thank you very much for that advice. 👍
And please, you can copy all you want. In fact, I am copying myself and it is said that copying is a kind of flattery 🙂
 22 May 2022, 21:02
An ambitious looking project, definitely peaks my curiosity. I am sure that it will turn out great in the end, I also only recently used scratch-building on a larger scale and I made quick progress. So, I am confident you will get a similar learning experience! 👍
 22 May 2022, 22:13
James C
Thats actually pretty cool! Nice job on the camouflage 👍
 22 May 2022, 22:19
Dieter Bihlmaier
Great idea Robin. I like it!
 22 May 2022, 22:23
Murad ÖZER
Lovely how this looks extremely convincing, following 👍
 22 May 2022, 23:39
Robin (WhiteGlint) Аутор
Thank you for your interest, mates. 🙂
You are very much welcome.
I am sorry for possible confusion, I forgot to add a disclaimer. The 3d render was not done by me so I can not take any credit for that.
 23 May 2022, 06:07
Ingo F
Nice, will take a seat. Got this one also on my to-do list. 🙂
 23 May 2022, 06:15
Murad ÖZER
WhiteGlint are you going to scartchbuild the casemate entirely? reason i ask is because the welds and profile looks awfully lot like the uparmored turret of an a4 already, sans the front slope of course.
 23 May 2022, 09:07
James C
Heh, I thought the render was your build 😳
Nice scratch building so far 👍
 23 May 2022, 16:53
Villiers de Vos
Very nice.
 23 May 2022, 17:45
Robin (WhiteGlint) Аутор
Welcome Villiers and everyone else checking in. 🙂

Go for it Ingo!
I bet your Tank Destroyer will look absolutely stunning. 😎

Sorry, James. I can't do any noteworthy 3d modelling on the PC. Some simple name plates I can manage. 😄
Modelling with my own two hands works a bit better.

@Murad: That's the plan. After reading your comment I've taken a look at some pictures of the 1A4 and it's pretty similar. It's a bit like the 3d modeller took the A4 uparmored turret and fused it with the hull. That also could have been an option. If I had an A4 I could have cut the turret apart and fused it with the hull too. It's too late now.
But I can get some very valuable scratchbuilding experience this way.
 24 May 2022, 07:41
Ingo F
Thanks Robin, I think both our Tank Destroyers will be great! Maybe i will go further and create an Jagd Leopard 1A1 with some kind of modifications. 😄
 24 May 2022, 09:57
Rui S
Nice clean paint job 👍
 24 May 2022, 21:19
Ben M
Looks like a really fun what if.
 25 May 2022, 02:19
Robin (WhiteGlint) Аутор
Some progress... The cupola is placed a bit too far back.
Might add some additional armor to make it look more interesting.
Weld lines and some anti-slip need to be added as well.
The shape is not really that accurate, which is not uncommon when I do projects like this one.

I also forgot to attach some parts before adding the new casemate which resulted in some holes and empty areas. I'll try to close them or put something else on front to hide it.
 28 May 2022, 11:14
Robert Podkoński
Looks promising, nevertheless, Robin. Keep it up! 🙂
 28 May 2022, 12:11
Robin (WhiteGlint) Аутор
A bit more done today. I think I can soon start painting this tank.
Added a bit of custom ERA plates to give the tank a bit more of visual interest.
 28 May 2022, 19:37
Looks quite intriguing already, keep up the good work! 👍
 28 May 2022, 19:50
Alberto Bianchi
Bello! Bello! 👍
 29 May 2022, 11:50
Robin (WhiteGlint) Аутор
Thanks everyone.
Tank primed. Everything's a bit rough. I also tried myself on some weld lines with Green Stuff.
Let's say there is room for improvement. 🙂
Three tone NATO Camo will be applied next.
 6 June 2022, 14:31
Robin (WhiteGlint) Аутор
Alright, some progress.
I scratched the idea with the three tone NATO camo. As I was pre-shading and got an interesting idea.
As is this is something of an experiment anyway, why not try zenithal pre-shading you'd do on figures?
I did not just blast the tank directly from above with Flat White, I also tried to get really close with the nozzle to the surfaces and spray down the angled surfaces. A bit like the air that moves closely along the surface of a wing.
While not usual on vehicles I still like the outcome very much. I created some interesing fake shadows and looks quite nice with the Tamiya NATO green applied.

The tank still got some dominant StuG or Jagdpanzer DNA, it's not as "streamlined" as I hoped at first but doesn't look too bad.
Weld lines are brutally huge but oh well, it's something.
 14 June 2022, 20:43
Ben M
I've thought about doing azimuthal lighting on my current armor build as well. Interesting how it's going for you! Looks good.
 14 June 2022, 23:31
All in all I like it 👍
 15 June 2022, 07:05
Simon Nagorsnik
Cool conversion!, your pre shadings looks good too!
Watching with interest!
 15 June 2022, 08:00
Robin (WhiteGlint) Аутор
I am getting close to finishing this tank.
"Some" acrylic dirt has been applied as I wanted to make this tank dirty but I might went a bit overboard.
Some more details need to be added and fixed.
 2 July 2022, 13:38
Simon Nagorsnik
Good looking painting process 👍
Your pre shading works well!
To the mud: Bring in some variety. Maybe some dark earth washes around the details and in the corners. Also some splashes always works very well!
However, like your results so far!
 2 July 2022, 14:16
Motatim Stanislaw
It was unusual! Similar to Soviet self-propelled GUNS 💪👍
 2 July 2022, 16:20
Guy Rump
looking good 👍
 2 July 2022, 18:02
Villiers de Vos
A very nice result. Very creative.
 3 July 2022, 07:07
Murad ÖZER
it's most unusual and unique WhiteGlint, wonderful job! 👍👍👍
 3 July 2022, 07:18
Adrian Forest
Level of dirt looks alright, but will look better if you blend it in more!
 3 July 2022, 12:06
Robin (WhiteGlint) Аутор
Thank you very much for all your praise, mates. 🙂

It sure hase some WWII tank destroyer DNA, reminds me of a Jagdpanther or maybe ISU-152? I was hoping to get a more modern look, but I still like it.
For that I am currently thinking about to give a Leopard 2 some futuristic upgrades some day.

The pre-shading worked out nice in the end, glad you think so too, Simon.
I also tried one of the techniques Murad showed me. Guess it works best on aircraft wings but spraying down white, very close to the hull enhanced the zenithal pre-shading a bit, I think. Thanks mate. I will definitely work on an aircraft with them too. 😉

Thank you for your suggestions. I will try to blend it a bit more, maybe some more dirt and pigments? A wash will be applied as well. I bought some acrylic washes to test out. Let's see how they compare to oil washes. I fear I won't be able to fix and change it later like you can do with oil washes.

 5 July 2022, 08:14
James C
This one turned out looking very cool. Awesome scratch building mate 👍
 27 August 2022, 19:35
fantastic idea.... 🙂 and well done 👍
 28 August 2022, 06:08
Very nice outcome Robin, effort well spent 👍
 23 October 2022, 16:26
Robin (WhiteGlint) Аутор
Thank you very much mates. 🙂
I am still lacking in skill and experience but it was still a fun experience.
Also I think I forgot to upload final pictures, I should do that soon. :-/
 8 November 2022, 09:39
Tierra del Fuego Alejandro
 9 March 2023, 17:17
Guy Rump
Looks great, congrats! 👍
 9 March 2023, 17:26
Finally a brother to the Jagdleopard 1
Jagdleopard 1A4 | Project by Robert_E (1:35)
well done 👍
 9 March 2023, 18:48
Robin (WhiteGlint) Аутор
Thank you mates!
 16 March 2023, 07:05

Project info

27 слике
1:35 Leopard 1A1 (Revell 03258)

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