Finished - Lunch in the sky
112 19 April 2023, 17:02

A set of 11 highly detailed and nicely printed figures of one of the most icon photos of the early 1930s. Lunch in the sky shows eleven metal workers sitting on a girder for lunch high above the streets of New York.
I start cutting the frames off and to clean the figures. Next step, painting.
Happy Modelling, Christian
19 April 2023, 17:08

An iconic b&w photo turned into an 1:72 miniature by a master?! I'll also take a seat... 👍
19 April 2023, 18:48

I know the foto, and I know what you can do, I certainly will not miss this one!
19 April 2023, 18:51

You are all welcome tpo follow 🙂
I will try my best. I still have an idea how to present the figures, but first I need to start the paintwork. I will paint two sets, one in colour and the other one in black & white. I have never done that before, so time will tell 😄
20 April 2023, 16:30

Obviously the only way to present it is to build the skyscraper. 😉
Nice to see something very different.
20 April 2023, 16:51

Thx gorby 🙂 Yep or just a part of it 😉 The main topic is a good background for the presentation. I am still thinking about it and search for 1930s fotos from New York for free use and download.
20 April 2023, 17:03

Turning 2D into 3D in B&W…very interested in how that version comes out 😃
20 April 2023, 17:05

Haha, I am also interested how it will come out 😄 Let us see, as mentioned, time will tell.
21 April 2023, 16:59

Of course I have to watch here!
Some pics:
21 April 2023, 18:41

Thank you all for your kind reply 🙂
@bughunter, thx for the link 👍
@Bruce, you're raising the bar now to make it most accurate 😄
23 April 2023, 09:51

Some small progress, a framework made of brass profiles was made to simulate the steelwork girder. The main structure will be fixed to a wooden base.
Happy Modelling, Christian
30 May 2023, 13:40

I have had a painting from this when I was much younger. Lovely to see that now people are building it.
30 May 2023, 14:06

Yes the photo / painting is iconic and I was really happy to see these figures available to make a 3D scenery out of it.
30 May 2023, 18:52

Really cool idea there 👍 Certainly going to be an eyecatcher, as the presentaion has to be very much centered around some vertical hight to convey the "lofty heights" the workers from the original picture were experiencing
30 May 2023, 20:48

Thank you Tom 🙂 Wait untill I have all the components for the display on hand.
@John, I will build / paint it twice, colour and b/w, but background photo will be b/w on both.
30 May 2023, 21:51

The wooden base and background photo arrived lately. It fits good and looks exactly how expected.
Happy Modelling
17 June 2023, 10:37

Haha, yes Bruce I feel the same 😄 But it comes really close to the original photo. I just used a KI generatedt backgreound image made by a friend of mine.
19 June 2023, 17:52

Bolts and rivets and some planking added. A first seating test and a lettering made by lassercutting are the latest progress. Now I can start paintiung the whole scenery.
Happy Modelling, Christian
4 August 2023, 18:55

This will be awesome, and totally unique, another masterpiece in your collection
4 August 2023, 19:38

Additional question: do you own a laser cutter, or was this a commercial service?
5 August 2023, 17:48

Thank you all for your kind comments 🙂
@bughunter, nope I own no lasercutter. The lettering was made by a good friend.
6 August 2023, 18:05

This is one of the most famous pictures in the world. I sit in the row to watch. Or on the first beam?
7 August 2023, 06:11

Will the figures be painted? In my opinion this work looks very cool the way it is.
7 August 2023, 08:13

this is a great idea. like it a lot as it is now! with this unpainted figures looks so good.
7 August 2023, 14:23

I am really delighted by your interest and all your kind comments on that topic.
@Живко Джаков, there is still some space on the first beam 😄
@Neuling, that is the plan to paint the figures. I have two sets and want to paint the figures in colour and in b/w.
Fist paint is on the structure and the lettering. I choose a bluegray for the steel structure. I will do a blending and rust effects with oils. I am not sure about the bluegray for the lettering, it matces with the structure coloura but there is to much contrast in between the lettering and the black base. I think I will give it a try with a matt coat of black.
Happy Modelling, Christian
10 August 2023, 18:16

Three out of the eloeven figures are painted. It makes a lot of fun to paint them all in an individual style.
Happy Modelling, Christian
19 August 2023, 11:48

Es kommt Leben in die Bude. Sehen klasse aus! 👍 Meine habe ich auch schon gedruckt. 😉
Gorby, a really good brush with a perfect tip, magnifying glasses and a lot of patience. 😄
I take these, for example:
19 August 2023, 15:32

Thanks Erik.
It would probably be better if I could find somewhere I could buy the talent as well. 😉
19 August 2023, 16:40

If you find that shop girby, ley me know. But buying as much talent as Christian has, will be too expensive 😉
Christian, your figures in 1/72 look much better than the bet I ever do e in 1/35. Amazing
19 August 2023, 19:43

Thank you all for your interest and your much appreciated and kind comments 🙂
@Gorby, Spanjaard, you definetely do not need more than that what Erik mentioned. The most important is patience, talent would be helpful, but if you do not have the talent - as I do not have - than practice makes the master. I have painted approx. 60 figures during the last two years and it was also a learning curve for me.
20 August 2023, 07:37

Lunch in the sky is finished. It comes out as I want it, painting the figures was pure modelling fun.
Later the year I will start a second version all in b/w.
Happy Modelling, Christian
31 August 2023, 19:05

An awesome rendition of a health and safety officer's worst nightmare.
31 August 2023, 20:53

Great job replicating the famous picture.
My stomach always shrinks when I see that image, being scared of heights 🫣
1 September 2023, 05:11

Soooo good! I enjoyed your work all the time. Too bad I can't see him live.
1 September 2023, 06:10

What a fantastic idea and beautiful execution of this iconic photo! 👍
1 September 2023, 08:10

Thank you all for your overwhelming and kind comments. I am really overjoyed by all your kind feedbacks 🙂
Happy Modelling, Christian
3 September 2023, 16:49

Thank you very much for your kind comments Tibor and Dutch 🙂
4 October 2023, 19:15