"D'ya fancy a..."
13 29 May 2023, 12:13

Robert, you're fighting it bravely. Looks like you've declared all-out war on bubbles 😄.
The comparison to Zlin is apt. Even though the scale is large, the model is a dwarf 🙂.
I look forward to further progress.
31 May 2023, 22:39

Welcome, Jennifer!
I am going to use a heavy artillery today, Ludviku 😉 - automotive putty!
1 June 2023, 05:40

Oh. I just got this one recently - in 1:72. Spoiled by flawless castings from Balaton and Eduard I was quite disappointed by the yersterday casting of Brengun. Follow your struggle and progress with interest.
1 June 2023, 10:04

Robert, I wish you a lot of patience while working on this model.
I have the same experience with Brengum resin castings. They contain a lot of air bubbles. I'm not saying that's why they can't be used, but it sure adds a lot of work.
1 June 2023, 10:43

Looks that "Quicky" doesn't refer to the speed of the build process with this kit. Good luck.
12 June 2023, 15:27

Not that bad, Ben - but I have few kits in my stash that fit your description perfectly... 😉 Thanks, Villiers!
12 June 2023, 19:14

Robert, you've done a great job and it's starting to look like an airplane. 👍.
Resin kits can often surprise. Especially sets with an older production date. In some cases, however, this is the only way to get an interesting model.
12 June 2023, 21:00

Plastic suggestive, double entendre noted!!
Let's see if this one stands up on display, etc…
13 June 2023, 22:05

I had to remove the paint... there appeared many strange "bubbles" from under the paint...
20 June 2023, 16:52

Uff 1:32? Your attraction to scales varies greatly between 1:144 and large scales. How about 1:350, heck, 1:700 and 1:16 at the other end?
Duck away and gone ...
11 July 2023, 19:31

Usually I am attracted by the topic, and I do not care for the scale much. Actually, I have one 1/350 plane completed already:
Saunders-Roe SR.45 (AMG 350-302, 1:350)
and two dirigibles in 1/720 as well 😉
HMA R33/R34 Transatlantic Fl..k I Models MKM720-08, 1:720)
USN K-type Blimp K-19/34/125..k I Models MKM720-11, 1:720)
12 July 2023, 08:07