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Andy (Grumpyiow)

Албуми (10)

Сви албуми

3 слике
Destroyed type 97 chi haView album, image #3
Пројекат: Destroyed type 97 chi ha
1:35 Type 97 Chi Ha (Tamiya MM175)
18 слике
Scammell Pioneer tank transporter View album, image #8
Пројекат: Desert rescue
1:35 M3 STUART "HONEY" (Academy 13270)1:35 Scammell Pioneer TRMU30/TRCU30 Tank Transporter (Thunder Model 35200)
4 слике
20mm Flakvierling 38 mit Sd.Ah.52View album, image #1
31 слике
Wrong turn comradeView album, image #29
Calling that done, apart from the load in the car needs tweaking
Пројекат: Wrong turn comrade
1:35 VW Kdt.1 Typ82 (Italeri 312)1:35 Motor Rifle Troops (Dragon 6019)1:35 Army Assault Infantry (Tamiya 35207)
10 слике
Calling in the big gunsView album, image #2
The recon jeep placed on the base to judge the width of the ruts
Пројекат: Calling in the big guns
1:35 Jeep Willys MB (Tamiya 35219)1:35 Infantry Scout Set (Tamiya 35379)
4 слике
Stuart View album, image #1
Пројекат: Desert rescue
1:35 M3 STUART "HONEY" (Academy 13270)1:35 Scammell Pioneer TRMU30/TRCU30 Tank Transporter (Thunder Model 35200)
21 слике
SU-76- paint test mule View album, image #1
Scratch built drivers seat
1:35 SU-76m (Dragon 9001)1:35 Tank Crew (MiniArt 35267)
4 слике
Field repair station View album, image #1
Cardboard template of the barn
Пројекат: Field repair station
1:35 Tankmen with Gantry Crane (MiniArt 35350)1:35 Soldiers with Fuel Drums (MiniArt 35366)1:35 Werkstattkraftwagen Typ-03-30 (MiniArt 35359)9+
49 слике
Unternehmen Wacht am RheinView album, image #11
Пројекат: Unternehmen Wacht am Rhein
1:35 3.7cm Anti-Tank Gun (PaK 35/36) (Tamiya 35035)1:35 Sd.Kfz2 Kleines Kettenkraftrad (Tamiya 35029)1:35 Hanomag Sd.Kfz. 251/1 (Tamiya 35020)5+
19 слике
Who needs a bridgeView album, image #1
Пројекат: Who needs a bridge
1:35 Opel Maultier Sd.Kfz. 3 (Italaerei 221)1:35 Tank Crew (ICM 35211)1:35 Bergepanther (Sd.Kfz. 179) (Italeri 285)1+