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Sebastian Stolze (bazinator_201)

Zvezda Tiger (P) VK.4501 What-if field version

У раду
March 17, 2017

Пројектни инвентар

Целовите макете
VK4501 (P) "Tiger" Porsche German Heavy Tank
Zvezda 1:35
3680 2016 Нова кутија
Додатни детаљи и сетови за конверзије
Tiger - Ferdinand (VK 4501) Fit to Italeri-Zvezda
Aber 1:35
35005 1995 Нови алат
German 88 mm KwK 36 L/56
Tiger I (Late Model) Barrel fit to all
Aber 1:35
35L028 (35L28) 2004 Нови алат


17 March 2017, 17:54
Stanley Carrier
let me know if you like this kit. i'm looking for a good version of this tank.
 17 March 2017, 19:45
Sebastian Stolze Аутор
Hey Stanley, what I like about this kit: the workable suspension. What I dislike: the instructions, the lacking possibility to build different variants, the insufficient surface texture and weld seams, the overall engineering. I got the kit as a present and the Aber PE for 5 €, and decided to make most of it. The kit itself is simply of another age, and you can see it. So no real recommendation, unless you can get it really cheap. Don't forget to buy individual tracks then, you will hate the kit's rubber tracks! Regards, Sebastian
 17 March 2017, 21:47
Kevin Johnson
It's a reissue of the 1994 Italeri kit.
 17 March 2017, 23:12
Sebastian Stolze Аутор
Yep, it is. On the plus side, there's no warp on the larger parts.
 18 March 2017, 08:29
Kevin Johnson
Yeah I've been working on a VK4501 on and off and combining this kit with the Dragon lower hull and running gear with 2 sets of Ferdinand magic tracks.
 21 March 2017, 18:18