Албуми (40)
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10 слике
Fieseler Fi103 A/B (V-1) as seen in the Royal Military Museum in Brussels
Aaaaannnd: catastrophe!!!
During the dry-fitting I felt that the fit of the wings on the spar was a bit tight, but manag...
Пројекат: Fieseler Fi103 A/B (V-1)
24 слике
18 pdr QF (WI slow P)
The short recoil recuperator was wound with thick rope for protection. Done.
Пројекат: British WWI Artillery with 18 pdr gun
29 слике
My jigs, tools, etc.
The new cutting mitre is ready to be used.
Пројекат: My jigs (biplane, etc.)
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19 слике
What I do when I'm not building kits...
Lately, my wife has taken over my workbench of some of her own projects...