Wehrmacht Luftwaffe (German Air Force 1935-1945) 3./EJG 2Red 13+ / W.Nr.110559(Obstlt. Heinz Bär) Март 1945 World War 2 - Lechfeld RLM74RLM75RLM76RLM23
Wehrmacht Heer (German Army 1935-1945) 9 Pz.Div. Децембар 1944 World War 2»Battle of the Bulge - Ardennes RAL7028 Dark Yellow RAL6003 Olive Green RAL8017 Red Brown Ambush
Waffen SS (1933-1945) 2./s.SS-Pz.Abt. 501222 1944 World War 2»Battle of the Bulge (Ardennenoffensive) - Ardennes RAL7028 Dark Yellow RAL6003 Olive Green RAL8017 Red Brown Ambush
Wehrmacht Heer (German Army 1935-1945) 1 Comp., 3 Recon Bn., 5 Light Div.WH607854 Март 1941 World War 2»North Africa Campaign - North Africa German grey
Wehrmacht Heer (German Army 1935-1945) Pz.Gren.Div. Großdeutschland Јул 1943 World War 2»Operation Zitadelle - Kursk RAL7028 Dark Yellow RAL6003 Olive Green