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Албуми (16)

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11 слике
CVL-22View album, image #1
The deck had been glued on the hull. The decals had been set, and the deck was withered.
Пројекат: 1:350 CVL-22 Independence
1:350 USS Independence CVL-22 (Dragon 1024)1:350 WWII USS Independence Aircraft Carrier CVL-22 (FlyHawk Model FH350123)
6 слике
Luna HundView album, image #6
Пројекат: Luna Hund
1:20 Luna Hund (Hasegawa 64126)
13 слике
M2A3 BradleyView album, image #1
hi my friends, this is a 2023 new-tooled kit from Magic Factory. I hope you enjoy it. Thank you.
Пројекат: 1:35 M2A3 Bradley
1:35 M-SHORAD Bradley M2A4 IFV (Magic Factory 2004)
13 слике
Tiger 1 Late Production 1944View album, image #5
1:35 Wittmann's Last Tiger (Dragon 6800MT)
3 слике
Tiger 1 Late ProductionView album, image #1
This is a resin figure from Alpine, but mine is a piratical production. The wires of his headgear headphone look a littl...
Пројекат: Tiger I Late Production
1:35 Tiger I (Dragon 6406)1:35 Pz Commander Summer #2 (Alpine Miniatures 35264)
12 слике
M48A3View album, image #11
Пројекат: M48A3 Patton
1:35 M48A3 (Dragon 3546)1:35 T97E2 Workable Track Link Set For M48/M60 MBT & M88 ARV (Bronco AB3563)1:35 US Army Tankers Close Combat (Bravo-6 B6-35074)4+
15 слике
1/48 M4A1 ShermanView album, image #10
Пројекат: 1/48 M4A1 Sherman
1:48 M4A1 Sherman (Tamiya 32523)

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