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Dean Harpster (deanharpster)

Албуми (298)

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15 слике
Space Shuttle-Mir (NASA-Roscosmos)View album, image #15
Some experimentation today! I tried applying some color shifting metallic art tape to a spare solar panel, burnished it ...
1:144 Russian Space Center (Revell Monogram 85-3628)1:144 Discovery Space Shuttle (Revell 4544)1:144 Space Shuttle (Pre and Post 1998) (Warbird Decals 14405)1+
18 слике
Titan IV (USAF)View album, image #18
I'm calling this one done and putting it on a high shelf to make it unavailable for close inspection! Not my best work, ...
Пројекат: Titan IVA (USAF)
1:144 Titan IV (RealSpace Models )1:72 Parallel Stripes Assortment (Xtradecal XPSA)
12 слике
Space Shuttle (NASA)View album, image #12
Assembling two orbiters... one for this project (bay closed, launch configuration) and the other for my Mir project (bay...
Пројекат: Space Shuttle (NASA)
1:144 Discovery & Booster Rockets (Revell 04736)1:144 Space Shuttle (Pre and Post 1998) (Warbird Decals 14405)1:144 Early Era Shuttle Orbiter White Tile Decal Set (Lake County SpacePort STS-EAD-1-144)1+
3 слике
ER-2 (NASA)View album, image #3
Reference photo of the subject
Пројекат: ER-2 (NASA)
1:72 U-2S/ER-2 "NASA" (Special Hobby SH72070)
4 слике
Citation Ultra (UND)View album, image #4
Reference photo of the subject
Пројекат: Citation Ultra (NASA / UND)
1:72 Cessna UC35A Citation Ultra (Broplan MS-133)
2 слике
F-16 ADF Fighting Falcon (Puerto Rico ANG)View album, image #1
Reference photo of the subject
1:72 F-16A/B PUERTO RICO ANG 198th 50TH ANNIV. (Experts-Choice Decal 72-29)1:72 F-16A ADF Fighting Falcon `Veltro 51 (OCTOPUS)´ (Hasegawa 01997)
2 слике
RC-12G Crazy Horse (US Army)View album, image #1
Reference photo of the subject
1:72 Beechcraft RC-12D (RVHP 72079)

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