databas för modellbygge | samlingshanterare

Tråd startad av Thalgonis

Maciej T.
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25 26 January 2022, 00:20
Maciej T. Författare
Youtube Video
 26 January 2022, 00:22
Well done! I like the camouflage painting and snow spots.
 26 January 2022, 09:45
Rui S
I agree with Neuling, very nice. Will it endup in a dio?
 29 January 2022, 16:24
Maciej T. Författare
Thank you. I don't know yet... It's possible I'll make a small square piece of ice covered in snow 🙂
1  29 January 2022, 17:30
Rui S
 29 January 2022, 17:32
Perfect feeling of coldness.
 29 January 2022, 19:07
Maciej T. Författare
Thanks man 😉
 3 February 2022, 07:29
great job on that model
 31 May 2022, 22:40
Maciej T. Författare
#Trez - I used the product AK - Snow Microballoons (AK8010). Very easy to use and - as you can see - giving cool results 🙂
1  14 January, 17:30

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