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42 16 October 2022, 18:01

I have a wal in my stash. I assume since it's an amodel that you barely survived 🤣
16 October 2022, 21:02

I had trouble getting all the pictures to load. But now that I can, I can see how magnificent this is!
16 October 2022, 21:03

The kit is a nightmare. The only thing pushing me to finish it was the fact that it was a gift for my dad on its 70th bday.
16 October 2022, 21:14

nice work....what were the big issues with the kit?...its in the stash here....
17 October 2022, 06:57

Minimum detail, extremely bad fitting, no alignment pins (considering that the hull is made of 4 long parts…), lots of flash, britle material (feels like carving soap)
Most ejector pin marks are hidden, though.
17 October 2022, 12:33

Would you willing to upload a scan of your instructions? Mine is half missing.
Thank you!
19 October 2022, 11:11

Outstanding! Huge respect for building the A-Model so well 🙂 its size 😮 and the waves 👍 Hats off!
19 October 2022, 11:27

Impressive result, not least due to the nice presentation. Can you share a word about the operator you chose?
5 November 2022, 02:29

The chilean air force had three periods: At the beginning of the XX century, Chile purchased two dreadnoughts, and four destroyers from England, which had to be repurposed because of WWI (The carrier HMS Eagle was made from the hull of the second Latorre-class dreadnought). In 1919, in compensation from the units that couldn't be delivered, several flying boats and hydroplanes were transferred, hence founding the Aviación Naval. In 1926, Chile purchased 8 Dorniers J Wal to boast the current fleet.
The second one, in 1930, was when al the flying materiel was transferred to a new air force branch called Fach (Chilean Air Force).
The third one, in 1953, when both army and navy had specific aerial requirements which couldn't be fulfilled by the Fach, so both naval and army aviations where created. The new Aviación Naval was created by my grandfather with a couple of Bell 47 choppers. If you check my other projects, you may see one I made from an Italeri kit in 1:72 scale.
My dad was a chilean navy captain and pilot-instructor who was in charge of both airbases "Concon" and "El Belloto" for several years during the '80 and '90. When he left, the staff gave him a beautiful framed picture of one of the Wals flying over Quintero, where the first chilean military airbase was located.
This model is a replica that plane in that photo. It was a gift I made for him on his 73th birthday.
I just added the photo to the album so you all can check it.
5 November 2022, 03:32

Thanks for sharing this interesting story (and a fantastic photo), Roberto!
5 November 2022, 07:01

Wow. I just wanted to know which Airforce as I haven't been able to identify it as Chilean. Very interesting information you provided. Thanks.
5 November 2022, 08:59

I was impressed by your finished Wal right away - but now that the personal/family connections of this project emerge, I'm even more impressed! Respects! 👍
5 November 2022, 17:58