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8 12 September 2014, 09:42

pit is looking fine. the hole in the headrest of the seats are sinkmarks and should be filled...
17 September 2014, 08:53

OH , your are right , i even didnt thinking about that ... 🙁
Thanks 🙂
17 September 2014, 08:58

hoped to see the headrest filled up with something, otherwidse: assembly looks nice...
2 October 2014, 21:50

Nice build and paintjob, concerning the panelwash, how did you apply them? To me personally it's too heavy in regards to a pale plane. A grey that is a little darker than the basecolor would do a nicer job (a little more subtle...)
27 October 2014, 15:29

Thanks Bart , yes u are right about the panelwash , i used the Tamiya Panel line accent color ( black ) and i will try the gray one at the next time
i did also used some dissoulved putty from Mr Hobby too 🙂
i have to say i am really happy and having fun for what i get around 25 € with this revell 1/72 kit ,hope to get their JAS-39 , Rafale soon then i can complete the canard s wing collection
28 October 2014, 02:36

then there is also the mig1.44 and the su-47 in 1/72, so even more work if you want all the canards...
28 October 2014, 07:29

wow , i completely forget the SU-47/MIG1.44 .... and the Lavi , X-29 ...etc
Let s say only canards at service 🙁
JAS-39 , JA-37 , RAFALE , SU-33/J-15 , SU-34, J-20 .......
28 October 2014, 17:38

Other than the little 'depressions' in the head rest cushions , the overall impression i get, is your "attention to Detail' and I am really impressed with your work. Great to look at. 🙂
28 October 2014, 20:23

I was once told by a judge at a model meet, "Remember son, what gets you the banana is "Attention to detail", and I have become a better modeller as a result, because I look at my work as if I am a judge at a competition and what would I say about my work .
28 October 2014, 20:26

Thanks Kerry , is was BART who find out the 2 holes in the headrest
i have to say thanks for his remark , at the beginning i even didnt think about that , but one i put the putty , it was completely change the look of the cockpit 🙂
29 October 2014, 15:41

bty , i have also to say thanks to too , i lost some parts for this model then i cant completely finish the work , i have a very bad experience with TRU****R ( 1/72 SU-30 )
i went to their website quit often for new information , and why not send them an mail about that even i think they will take 3 months to answer ...
24 hours later , i get a mail from their service dept to ask me more information about my case !!!
May be at the end they cant send me the missing parts , but answer my little problem in 24 HOURS still very appreciate !!!!
29 October 2014, 15:49

There will always be a "lemmon" with plastic kits, but with todays stock, it is rightfully thought that it will all be good. I to have had some horror stories with the odd kit, but I always try to 'build around it', and sometimes the results are good, but it is always better, especially when they respond with the parts 'in the mail'.
29 October 2014, 19:14

just get the missing part from Revell , very appreciate !!! thanks Revell !!! 🙂
27 November 2014, 09:45

I have always been very impressed with Revell's customer service. Even when it has been my mess up, (like spilling paint thinner on the decal sheet) they have always sent me new parts or the entire decal sheet.
7 June 2024, 23:23