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Angel Yovtshev
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11 bilder
Bulgarian "Ансалдо-Фиат"(C.V. 33 Vecchio Tipo)View album, image #11
PE grills cut and soldered from IBG's Lancia 3RO radiator mesh
1:35 CV3/33 Tankette Serie II (Bronco CB35125)1:35 Photographers (different eras) (AK Interactive AK35015)1:35 Hairy Heads (Set 6) (Armor35 ARM356025)1+
35 24 December 2023, 09:24
That engine looks amazing
 24 December 2023, 14:09
Angel Yovtshev Författare
Thanks, it took some head scratching...

Merry Christmas,
 24 December 2023, 14:41
Ah ha... This photographer seems to spend too much time ogling the young lady. The real beauty here is under the boot...
 24 December 2023, 21:02
Michael Kohl
I like to follow another scratch building and super detailing session of yours.
 24 December 2023, 21:07
Joerg R.
And here we have another Gem of Angel👍 keep going on my friend, I will follow
 24 December 2023, 22:52
Joining ......
 25 December 2023, 09:55
Angel Yovtshev Författare
Thanks Michael, Joerg and Neuling!

And yes, Olly!
He is far too young to have learned discerning between perishable and eternal beauty...
 26 December 2023, 09:27
Bogicevic Vladimir
Hi Angel. Realy nice work. Where do you find nerves for so many details?
 26 December 2023, 10:35
Angel Yovtshev Författare
Thanks Bogi!
I don't know, I somehow manage to...

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

 26 December 2023, 10:42
Bogicevic Vladimir
Thank Angel, same to you and your family. Good luck with your project.
 26 December 2023, 12:02
Alec K
Taking a belated seat for another scratchbuilt beauty 👍
 4 February 2024, 00:55
Angel Yovtshev Författare
Well, it's never too late Alec K.

The Carro Veloce is on hold now- I ordered 2 sets of PE grills for the radiator compartment with a modeling buddy of mine and wait for their arrival.

 4 February 2024, 09:26
Angel Yovtshev Författare
Well, my buddy seems to be quite busy, so I went for another solution for the radiator grills- I have been given an IBG's Lancia 3RO PE fret a year ago and found that the radiator part matched the patern of Ansaldo's radiator grills perfectly .So I made a short session of measuring, cutting and soldering.
 25 March 2024, 14:07
 25 March 2024, 16:16
Rui S
I'm in 😎
 26 March 2024, 18:16
Angel Yovtshev Författare
I've been busy with 2 scratchbuild projects lately...
Besides finishing 2 other shelf queens.So not much time for the Ansaldo...

I think I'll come back to it in the comming winter, providing my younger daughter points me the new right head for the photographer.Head #3 is an ex...

 28 August 2024, 15:48
fire snail
wow 精彩 非常棒的组装😄
 28 September 2024, 11:06
Angel Yovtshev Författare
fire snail,


 28 September 2024, 12:12
Mojo DeVirus
Double wow !!!
 28 September 2024, 16:33

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