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Dexi Goodchild
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18 bilder
Airfix A01010A Hawker Hurricane Mk I with PEView album, image #1
I immediately realised that everything was so small that I would be hard-pressed not to lose any pieces, so I tried hard...
1:72 Hawker Hurricane Mk.I (Airfix A01010A)1:72 Hurricane Mk.I (Eduard SS660)
16 31 December 2023, 00:08
Very nice work! The cockpit looks exceptionally good.
Make sure the varnish isn't too cold when you spray it and shake it very well - particularly if it's a spray can. I've had problems in the past with it going white when it's cold.
 31 December 2023, 09:27
Dexi Goodchild Författare
Thanks for that, I appreciate it - I think you're right, I do use spray cans and I've got much better at shaking (too lazy before) but I have to go to the shed and do the spraying, and although I've got a little heater I put on for a while beforehand, it's a shed in December, so it's not that effective, will try something else next time and see what happens!
 31 December 2023, 09:59
amazing detail on that cockpit, it really looks beautiful
 31 December 2023, 10:11
In the winter I put rattle-cans in a sink of warm water for about ten minutes before I use it. It works for me.
 31 December 2023, 10:26
Dexi Goodchild Författare
Thank you so much, and yes, I was thinking about a sink of warm water, so I will try that! Happy New Year all....
 1 January 2024, 00:03

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