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Tråd startad av John Colasante

John Colasante
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20 bilder
F-35aView album, image #1
1:48 F-35A Lightning II (Tamiya 61124)1:48 F-35A Nozzle upgrade set with FOD cover (Detail & Wonder Studio DW480101)1:48 F-35 Anthology (Furball Aero-Design 48-085)
40 17 January 2024, 06:03
Markus Antonius
Amazingly realistic weathering and photography! Those RBF-Tags ad extremely to the realism!
 17 January 2024, 07:56
John Colasante Författare
thank you Markus!
 17 January 2024, 23:42
John Thomas
Nice work
 17 January 2024, 23:47
Fifty shades of gray aren´t necessarily boring ......... 👍
 18 January 2024, 08:16
John Colasante Författare
Thanks guys 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
 19 January 2024, 06:37
Guy Rump
Very impressive! 👍
 19 January 2024, 08:51
Very nice weathering! I love the holographic EOTS sensor, too!
 13 February 2024, 07:19
what color did you use for the nozzle and how did you make the blue filter on the clear parts
 24 January, 22:20

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