Tråd startad av Phryxus

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3 19 March 2024, 08:42

Yes, I agree it's an expensive kit, but not unexpected for a kit of this scale.
20 March 2024, 10:48

Will be watching this!
Just had a look at the instructions and noticed the decals for the tires. The GOODYEAR name is 3 separate pieces? GOO D-Y EAR. Never seen that before.
20 March 2024, 13:16

Mike Thomas, I've never seen it before either. I won't be using the decals for the tires. I will be using the Studio27 tire template to paint on the logos.
20 March 2024, 13:38

Mike, that's probably due to licensing I'd imagine. Much like on the new MENG 1/12 MP4/4 the Goodyear decals aren't mentioned or shown in the instructions but are still supplied nonetheless
20 March 2024, 14:12

Ethan, that's a good observation. Obtaining a license to use a registered trademark or a brand is a key consideration for any product. The cost of obtaining the licence can be very expensive.
20 March 2024, 14:22