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103 3 June 2024, 11:31

Thank you guys!
ScaleFella NAFO : There are a lot of omitted parts and it doesn't seem good.
Personally, I wouldn't recommend it.
10 August 2024, 16:05

CaptGPF : Thank you! It was pretty good. I personally recommend it.😊
22 August 2024, 04:15

Don't be too harsh on yourself, the detail about the shark mouth being lower is not noticeable and the result of your hard work is exceptional.
31 August 2024, 08:27

But on image 20 the mouth looks the same. Anyway, awesome result. 😁👍
2 September 2024, 21:09

Thank you! everyone 😁
There were several mistakes, but I finished it anyway!
Cristian A : Thank you!! I won't cry like a child anymore LOL 😊
5 September 2024, 10:03

excellent piece of work. only one error, "is it just airbrushing" is so far from reality... please correct that, "it is just excellent airbrushing" 😉
5 September 2024, 12:04

Rolf : I have brought video for you.
Youtube Video

I painted similar to his way of working. Maybe it will help you!
(For camouflage patterns, Unlike him, I first drew with a model pencil and then used an airbrush.)
5 September 2024, 13:04

Zoltan Grotz : Thank you so much!😁
Spanjaard : In my case, I'm not an expert and I'm not good at English, so it's almost impossible to explain.🤣
( Or maybe I misunderstood the question itself. 🤣 )
5 September 2024, 13:10

Great work! Could you please tell me what paints did you use? Thank you!
18 September 2024, 01:58

징징이님의 항공기 도색은 늘 기가 막힙니다. 최고에요! 아, 그리고 키트 자체는 어떤가요? 정가주고 살 가치가 있는것같나요?
18 September 2024, 02:41

SlaveOfDystopianEducation :
감사합니다!!! 헛 징징이 인지 어떻게 아셨습니까?! mmzone하시나요?
킷은 분할이 골치아픈거 빼곤 꽤 괜찮습니다. 동체 윗부분 이상한 데를 분할해놔서, 엔진쪽이나 동체 꼬리쪽 단차 메꾸기가 골치아픕니다.
단차 수정하다가 리벳라인 날아가는건 덤이구요. ㅋㅋㅋ
난 무조건 특이하고 강해보이는 러시아 헬리콥터를 만들어야겠다! 라면 추천할만 합니다!
그게 아니라면 음.. 헬리콥터 만들어본게 처음이라 잘 모르겠네요.
여튼, 생각보단 조립이나 도색이나 쉽지 않았던 킷이었습니다.
18 September 2024, 11:07

一生还一夜 : Thank you so much!!
wyy803 : I used mr.paint! (mr 399, mr 400) It was pretty good! It also seems to be a color that fits well with the mi-24 series.
18 September 2024, 11:11