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Antoine Meylan
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35 bilder
Ducati 916View album, image #35
Echappement, batterie, cale-pieds et pédales collés
Projekt: Ducati 916
1:12 Ducati 916 (Tamiya 14068)
15 28 September 2024, 15:45
Hi! I Just finished the same model and it was quite interesting. Will be interesting to follow your progress.
 1 October 2024, 08:02
Michael Kohl
Following too.
 1 October 2024, 08:12
Antoine Meylan Författare
Reprise du projet Ducati 916 après une pause "cadeau de noël pour mon père" (voir mon projet Lancia 037)
 7 December 2024, 13:30
Michael Kohl
Keep it going
 8 March, 10:55
Antoine Meylan Författare
Bienvenue Michael
 8 March, 15:50

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