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markerade denna artikel som säljbar / sellable
29 September 2024, 10:35

Hi, I´d like to buy this kit. I am from the Czech Republic. Paypal for payment. Is it available?
Best regards
29 September 2024, 11:08

Hi Jan, the Kit is available. The postalcosts with DHL is wihtout tracking 10,49€ and with tracking 14,49€ to Czech Republic. Paypal is ok, please send for Friends or Family.
Best regards André
1 October 2024, 13:11

Hi, Andre,
that sounds great. I think from Germany to Czechia is ok without tracking, so I´ll send you 23 Euro. Send me your PayPal, please.
1 October 2024, 15:15

Hi Jan, my Paypal address:
I still need your postal address and would send the package on Friday.
Best regards, Andre
2 October 2024, 11:20