databas för modellbygge | samlingshanterare

Tråd startad av Michael M

Mick Markiewicz
lade till ett nytt fotoalbum.
26 bilder
320View album, image #11
Projekt: 320
1:350 Type 039 Song Class (HobbyBoss 83518)
11 29 November 2024, 11:14
Matti Thomaes
Great start, following, 👍
 29 November 2024, 16:31
What kind of clay is this? How soft, and how long until it dries and goes hard?
 29 November 2024, 17:23
Mick Markiewicz Författare
It's DAS Modeling Clay, white one. That amount is fully set and dry in about 3 days.
 29 November 2024, 19:41
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Very nice work! That base sure is something, I love that idea.
 16 December 2024, 08:25
Michael Kohl
Love it. Great idea for the base. But the boat is very well done too.
 16 December 2024, 09:19
Same as Michael. 👍
 16 December 2024, 10:48
Matti Thomaes
Nice idea for the presentation, very original
 16 December 2024, 14:32

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