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29 2 December 2024, 17:22

Fantastic looking aircraft 😃👍 l don't know much about this aircraft.... another one to read up on ?
You done a brilliant job 👍 the metallics and engine heat 2nd to none.
2 December 2024, 17:40

Thanks. Some of the photos are annoyingly sideways when they are not on my laptop! Anyone got any ideas how to rotate? I tried but can't find the option.
2 December 2024, 18:20

If you go to 'Manage' and the 'Advanced options' you can change the orientation of your photos.
Incidentally, did you do the 3D design as well?
3 December 2024, 06:40

This is just fantastic! Very beautiful work! What kind of model is this?
3 December 2024, 07:44

Morning, yes, I used Cold War Interceptor and the Submission Document from the National Archives at Kew as my main reference material. I drew it in Fusion 360, sliced it in Anycubic Photon and printed it on an Anycubic Mono X2. Many, many (many) hours went into the design, and many more into the printing trials. A Work In Progress is on the Britmodeller forum which covers the whole process. I'm also selling them if anyone is interested, just go to the 3d Makerspace on Britmodeller and search for AW.169 for details.
3 December 2024, 07:45

Fabulous, respect for the whole work you put into designing it 👍, which still sounds like a kind of magic to me 😄
3 December 2024, 10:49