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Tråd startad av Jeannot Airline

lade till ett nytt fotoalbum.
24 27 January, 11:43
Patrick Hagelstein
Tagging along! 🍿
1  27 January, 12:23
Jean Författare
Cockpit is now finished, I'm ready to integrate it in the fuselage and add the HUD. In parallel I assembled the parts on the two fuselage halves amd modified the wing tips. The fit of the parts is Ok-ish. Not bad, but most external pieces needed some putty.
 27 January, 13:28
Guy Rump
Looking good, following. 👍
1  27 January, 20:46
Watching 👍
1  27 January, 21:03
Jean Författare
I cemented and puttyed the fuselage. After some sanding , she will be ready for painting !
 27 January, 21:47
Dave Flitton
Excellent work so far!
1  27 January, 22:10
Jean Författare
Priming is now done ! The primer color turned out to be very close to the actual color
 28 January, 19:45
Jean Författare
The rafale is now finished ! I glued it on its stand and am waiting for it to dry to take finalized pictures.
 13 March, 22:38
Guy Rump
Very nice build! 👍
1  14 March, 08:54
Jean Författare
Thanks ! Took me more efforts than I thought, but I learned a lot along the way
 14 March, 10:38
Patrick Hagelstein
Your perseverence paid off; it turned into a very nice build! 👍
1  14 March, 12:51
Jean Författare
Thanks a lot !
 15 March, 08:03

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