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20 bilder
X-4View album, image #1
Projekt: X-4
1:72 X-4 Bantam (MPM Production 72093)
19 14 February, 17:58
Robert Podkoński
Definitely deserves more photos! (I built this kit a long time ago...)
 14 February, 18:07
I agree with Robert. It looks great.
 14 February, 18:08
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work. I agree, more photos please.
 15 February, 10:24
Nice job with that crude kit!
 15 February, 10:46
First thought was "eggplane" but this seems to be real! 👍
 15 February, 10:51
Tom Författare
Thank you all!
 16 February, 11:22
Nice build and setting!
 16 February, 11:24
Robert Podkoński
Fantastic! Thanks for new photos! You've done a great job on intakes!
 16 February, 12:40
Tom Författare
Thanks mates!

Hello Robert,
you brave one built it! You know how crude the kit is.
Milling and sanding galore!
I changed almost everything, as you can see on the new build pics.
1  16 February, 14:42

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