databas för modellbygge | samlingshanterare

Tråd startad av Dustoff74

lade till ett nytt fotoalbum.
33 23 February, 12:26
Lorraine Lin
3  23 February, 14:30
Henning Författare
Thank you so much. Actually it's the first model I build, so I really hesitated to put myself out there.
 23 February, 18:36
Nice work.
1  23 February, 18:43
Rui S
Another great work 👍
1  23 February, 19:35
David R. Meizoso
Great start, congrats!
1  23 February, 20:04
Henning Författare
Thank you guys!
 23 February, 23:56
For a first model it's fantastic!
1  24 February, 07:23
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
1  24 February, 07:50
Nice! Inspiring me. A P51 is in my queue to be built.
1  27 February, 23:18
Ben M
I love it. Chromed models are some of my favorites. This came out really nice!
1  28 February, 00:26

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