Tråd startad av LodniK

Yes, I know it is kinda a dog of a kit. But I only got it to practice some techniques on.
15 August 2015, 00:43

Nice!! And a nice big model to do it on! The bigger a test subject or piece is, the easier it I'd to learn new skills
15 August 2015, 02:56

Quite a few people have commented on various forums that it is actually much bigger than 1/32 - more along the lines of 1/28 to 1/30!!
15 August 2015, 02:59

And, although not mentioned in any of the forums, it did come with a driver & three other figures. I may modify one or two for my 1/28 Spad/Fokker Dr.I Centenary build for my local VFW.
15 August 2015, 03:03

Wow! How are they ? That will be an awesome project! Keep us updated
15 August 2015, 03:17