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Dmitriy Andreeshchev
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33 bilder
"Rusty waters"View album, image #24
7 28 February 2020, 17:45
Nathan Dempsey
Very cool. That's a great robot design and some nice ground work too🙂
 28 February 2020, 21:58
Dmitriy Andreeshchev Författare
Thanks! The work was completed.
 1 March 2020, 16:49
Stefan Schacht
very nice 👍, great idea and display
 1 March 2020, 17:06
Nathan Dempsey
That came out very nice Dmitriy.
 1 March 2020, 17:47
Dmitriy Andreeshchev Författare
Stefan, Nathan - thank you, mates!
 3 March 2020, 08:05
I agree with Nathan and Stefan. Surprising genre!
 3 March 2020, 09:45
Harry Bo
Wow, looks great!how did you make the green-ish water effect?
 3 April 2020, 11:48
Very😎 build 👍
 3 April 2020, 14:05
Ben M
Wow! Very creative and great craftsmanship!
 3 April 2020, 14:08
Dmitriy Andreeshchev Författare
Thank you, my friends! The greenish water hue is because of the bright bottom and yellowish hue of the original resin, but green stains were made with the drops of havily dilluted oil paint, while the resin was still liquid.
 4 April 2020, 19:22
Really cool, well done!
 18 March, 16:28

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