databas för modellbygge | samlingshanterare

Tråd startad av ch hoeltge

Christian Abraham
lade till ett nytt fotoalbum.
19 12 October 2021, 19:04
Christian Abraham Författare
Back on the bench again
 28 December 2024, 20:41
Jennifer Franklin
I love it. Is that brass detailing?
 29 December 2024, 06:22
Christian Abraham Författare
No. It belangt to kit. Without it you can't build. It is the most complicated I build so far
1  29 December 2024, 14:33
Christian Abraham Författare
The model is in the painting stage
1  6 January, 13:52
Christian Abraham Författare
Nearly finished, just some work on the water surface
 24 January, 18:22
Jennifer Franklin
That looks really good.
 24 January, 23:50
Rui S
Impec. 👍
 25 January, 01:30
Christian Abraham Författare
Got the model finished, my hardest ship model so far-
1  28 January, 18:04

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