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Sci-Fi & Fantasy Models 21

Sci-Fi & Fantasy Models


Sci-Fi & Fantasy Models
21 | July 1997


Build Report, 1:1  | Page 8
Darth Vader's lightsabre on the cheap

by Simon James Lewis

Editorial | Page 11

by Sean Robinson
Status report: Creator Sean Robinson chronicles the origins of his major new SF series

Tips & Tricks | Page 12
SF&F computer modelling techniques course

by Glenn Broadway
Part one: basics of CG modeling

Build Report | Page 15
Overlander overhaul

by David Sisson
The major restoration of an original TV miniature

Editorial | Page 18
Kits and collectables from the Outer Limits

by Anthony Taylor
A close look at scare-wares from a classic series

Editorial | Page 23
Terry Reed, master model maker

by Mike Reccia, Dave Openshaw
One of the British film industries most accomplished miniature FX specialists

Build Report | Page 29
Restoring the Draconia from Buck Rogers in the 25th Century

by Marc D'antonio
SF&F in-depth exclusive on the refurbishment of a classic TV miniature: Part One

Editorial | Page 34
The Essential Troy Vigil

Part One: In conversation with the schematic artist for Ballantine/Del Rey's Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels

Review, 1:12  | Page 38

by John Lane
Building the Toy Biz Wolverine kit
Toy Biz 1:12
48657 1996 Nytt verktyg

Review, 1:12  | Page 39
Modelling up a Storm

by John Lane
Reviewing the new Toy Biz kit
STORM Glue Together Model Kits
Toy Biz 1:12
48659 1996 Nytt verktyg

Review, 1:35  | Page 40
Delta quadrant ram-raiders

by Simon Roykirk
Building the Kazon Torpedo
Kazon Torpedo
Revell 1:35
04813 1997 Ny låda

Review | Page 42
Classic kit - classic craft

by Bob Gould
A review of Comet Miniatures' MK II Space: 1999 - Eagle Transporter resin and white metal kit

Editorial | Page 44
Graduation into gore...

by Barrie Gower
A promising young sculptor with a flair for creating the macabre.

Build Report | Page 52
Brave art

by Iain Lowson
Scratchbuilding the Imperial Star Destroyer Decimator

Editorial | Page 54
Miniature photography and set construction III

by Rory McLeish
(or, production of your own shoestring blockbusters)