McDonnell Douglas F-4EJ Kai (Revell)
49 2 November 2011, 02:19

The F-4 is a bird that looks stunning whatever paint scheme you apply. An amazing model Bill, simply breathtaking !
I started to count the stencils but gave up ...
2 November 2011, 17:26

Hi Bill, very nice and interesting finish. This will be an eye catcher for sure.
2 November 2011, 17:47

now I understand why Phantom guys are always very calm people - stenciling this thing is an esotheric session 🙂 Looks great!
31 March 2012, 13:48

Thanks for the nice comments, mates! Here is the build thread, you can see some of the fun I had with the decals (which weren't designed to fit the Revell kit):
31 March 2012, 15:35

Sorry Bill! I`ve not seen this post before!
Amazing clean built, fine and smooth painting. It is a masterpiece of craftmansship! The paintsheme is an eyecatcher and as I`m a fan of japanese aircrafts, this one is one of my favorits that you has built!
Thx for sharing
17 April 2012, 18:36

Thanks! When I first saw a photo of the Phantom painted in that scheme, I couldn't wait until somebody made a decal sheet for it! It's gorgeous. Someone told that this was the first time since WWII that the "rising sun" was painted on a Japanese plane. Anyone know if that's really true? I suspect not, but you never know!
17 April 2012, 23:16

Hi Bill great work on this Phantom, like you said the best 1/72 kit around!!
I like it, congratulations.
26 July 2012, 19:44

Thanks, everyone! Since I took those pictures, the bird has somehow lost the pitot tube on its nose. I'll obviously never find it, so I'll have to scratch build a replacement.
Our local club's annual contest is coming up in September, and I think I may enter this. But then again, we're hosting the IPMS Regional convention in 2013 - maybe I should wait until then. We'll see...
27 July 2012, 13:46

I have an idea Bill, I always put a large white nylon thing when i am modelling in case i drop something on the floor. White color help u to find anything lost. Anyway, a lovely build.
27 July 2012, 15:51

Somehow it lost the pitot tube whilst sitting in the display case. Some pesky Poltergeist, I think. 🙂
27 July 2012, 18:04

Actually, it was most likely lost during transportation to a club meeting. It won't take long to fashion a replacement. But I like the nylon idea - not sure how that will work with our iRobot, but... 🙂
27 July 2012, 20:11

I have wooden floor at carpets as our weather here is very dusty. You know...............these wooden rectangles.
28 July 2012, 00:19

Thanks everyone! This one just won gold at IPMS Noreastcon in the conversion category. A rather minor conversion (F-4F to F-4EJ Kai) but since it is a change of mark, that's the category where the judges put it.
7 July 2013, 12:49

Thanks everyone for the kind comments! The model was fun to build, and different than the usual stuff.
Glenn, will you be doing the same JASDF 301st TFS 30th anniversary scheme? I hope you like decals! 🙂
20 September 2013, 01:17

Yea Bill I will do this one! Oh yea! The Japanese F-4 and F-15 will drive you nuts with all those small decals!!!
21 September 2013, 06:44

Good question! I have the Eduard FOD covers in my stash, and I bought them specifically for this project (since the kit does not have seamless intakes). I think the answer is I forgot all about them! I was just so happy to be done with "nightmare on decal street!" LOL 🙂
21 September 2013, 14:24

Hey! Bill, that's a great build, I love the livery, regardless of Panagiotis's comment:
Quote>>> " WOWWWWWWwwooOOO!!!!...nightmare on decal street! "<<<End Quote...
I love that, a great line...Lol(((😄 )))
4 November 2014, 19:10

Wow that is a clean build and an awesome job on the decalling. Very nice!
4 November 2014, 19:31

Thanks, guys. The decals really weren't that bad. Perhaps the biggest problem was that they were designed for the Hasegawa kit, and I used the Revell kit. This meant that the decals did not fit just right in a few places. My build thread from 2011 explains most of these issues:
Cheers! Phantoms Phorever! 🙂 🙂 🙂
4 November 2014, 20:38

very welll job ... well done .... how u fit aires cockpit set in the kit , its biger than original kit cockpit , for me it doesnt fit 🙁 , how do u do that man
4 January 2020, 23:29

Thanks. As I remember, the resin cockpit was a bit longer than the kit cockpit, and I had to remove the area for the front instrument panel coaming from the kit's fuselage. The resin pit also had to be sanded a lot as it was also too wide for the Revell fuselage. I also sanded down the kit's fuselage sidewalls. I then had to do some tricks with the resin sidewalls. There are some photos and an explanation in the build thread that I posted above. Cheers, Bill
7 January 2020, 04:31

Oh my. That is Phantastic. I've been eyeing these Phinal Phantoms, but I'm holding out for the 301SQ kit. If there ever is one.
7 January 2020, 05:02

Thanks mates! This aircraft has one of the best anniversary schemes ever! I'll have to do a few more JASDF birds so she has company.
1 February 2020, 20:54

I don't normally like flashy paints schemes, but this one looks very nice I think. A good mix of white red and blue.
1 February 2020, 21:29

Wonderful especially this version captured and implemented perfectly Bill...Wow!!!! 👍👍👍
What a beautiful result 👍
20 March 2022, 18:49

Some great models keep on coming back on the news feed year after year, and this one certainly deserves it!
What a.beautiful model!
20 March 2022, 21:29

Thanks mates! She sure is a beautiful scheme - gotta love the Japanese Phantoms.
20 March 2022, 22:08
Album info
This is the Revell of Germany F-4F kit converted into the JASDF Kai version of the F-4EJ. I used the Aires resin cockpit set, some photoetch, and the Platz decal sheet for the 30th Anniversary scheme for the 301st TFS of the JASDF. This was part of a Group Build on Britmodeller. I just couldn't do another grey on grey airplane...