Mil Mi 6
102 20 March 2024, 17:28

The double construction of Mil Mi-6 and Mi-22 opens with these pictures. Amodel's models have a very special charm: you are encouraged to participate and help shape them! Thick, lumpy parts, consistently all with fish skin and the need to be reworked - but also an inaccuracy of fit that is almost funny again. But this is the last time to complain! The kit is well designed and, if you turn a blind eye, it can be quite nice. I really appreciate Amodel kits by now, they are simply fun and pure shirt-sleeved modelling fun 🙂
20 March 2024, 17:35

Another superhuman project from Roland... Watching with pleasure!
20 March 2024, 17:38

Robert, you make me laugh on the spot 🙂
Thank you!
20 March 2024, 17:51

I want to see that too. I am only concerned about my A-model association - masochism.
20 March 2024, 20:51

Thank you for your motivation and interest! A little bit of masochism must really be involved here. I'll send you some new pictures soon to prove it.....
21 March 2024, 18:35

This is going to be fun to watch! I love watching people scooping up crappy models and turning them into masterpieces. I am sure you will.
22 March 2024, 07:39

I am delighted by your trust and motivation!
An Amodel fan indeed! The parts are all in a condition that sometimes makes it a little tedious and the accuracy of fit is not always, but sometimes a horror - please see the new pictures for both - but the whole thing makes perfect sense! Incidentally, it will be a very large model, so I will be trimming, filling and sanding the main section and the rear separately. Otherwise the handling would be a bit cumbersome.
23 March 2024, 13:28

Roland, your output is simply ridiculous. Are you doing anything else besides modeling? 😄
23 March 2024, 14:24

Well, one or two things... 🙂 Thanks for the motivating astonishment 🙂
24 March 2024, 13:12

That kit is a hell of a massacre! 😱 Fingers crossed Roland you have the strength and motivation to finish it! Although I have no doubt you'll get a beautiful model out of that kit. 👍😄
24 March 2024, 15:19

Fingers crossed and faith in a good ending are welcome here as always 🙂I'm very happy about your interest, mates!
Alexander: plenty of the former until the latter comes 🙂
24 March 2024, 19:51

You have the courage to do 2 of these, but the end result will be fabulous, as always 😉
Well (hard) job so far, Roland! 👍
24 March 2024, 19:53

Thank you for your words and for your confidence! 🙂
25 March 2024, 15:02

"I don't need good models! I am a good modeller!"
That's gonna be fun - to watch - from a safe distance. 😉
25 March 2024, 20:41

You are very welcome, Michael- thank you for the words!
26 March 2024, 13:51

Viel Glück .... das sieht ja grauenhaft aus (die Qualität der Teile ... ) das kann keinen Spaß machen, oder?
26 March 2024, 14:25

Thomas, sieht so aus, nicht wahr? 🙂 Aber ich muss sagen, wenn man sich mit dem Mehraufwand an Zeit und Energie zum Spachteln und Schleifen arrangiert hat, macht es durchaus Spaß. Die Bausätze haben Charm! (Aber einmal abwarten, wie ich in drei Wochen drüber schreibe...)
But I have to say, once you've come to terms with the extra time and energy required for filling and sanding, it's a lot of fun. The kits have charm! (But wait and we will see what I write about them in three weeks' time...)
27 March 2024, 08:19

👀 - watching of course.
Beeing used to consume putty in barrels it is always good to see I'm not alone - when others do meditation - we sand 😉 just making fun. The result will be great, I'm sure.
27 March 2024, 08:42

Your words inspire and motivate me - I'm glad to have one or two projects running in parallel and not just be tied to the extensive sanding and filling that certainly takes its time. So I am happy to receive your feedback!
28 March 2024, 07:32

A decisive step in the construction process: will the transparent parts fit and therefore be usable - or will some kind of replacement have to be considered? Well, the three pictures of the Mi-6/Mi-22 show that the result is not bad at all. The accuracy of fit was quite good! Uff!
28 March 2024, 12:10

My usual questions would be how the kit goes along and how it fits. I actually laughed a bit at pictures 13 to 20. The challenges there are a bit beyond what I have personally done so far.
Good luck with the project!
28 March 2024, 12:14

Hello Marius, well, we'll see how I get on with it. So thank you for the encouragement!
29 March 2024, 08:21

The fit would definitely stop me from touching this kid. Respect Roland!
30 March 2024, 08:48

By the way, the election for this year's "my workbench Putty Queen 2024" has been decided and ended ex aequo: Miss Mi 6 and Miss Mi 22!
1 April 2024, 14:42

Looks like an excellent fit! Kudos for your patience with it! I think you earn the black belt for master of putty! 😉
1 April 2024, 16:23

Thank you very much for all the enthusiasm here! 🙂 Yesterday, after I had finished sanding all the surfaces, I joined the fuselage and tail section together on Miss 6 - it went quite well. Before I have to stay away from the workshop for five days for work reasons, I'll upload a photo of it today. Thanks, mates!
2 April 2024, 10:34

Now what belongs together has come together - I am pleased to be able to show you the "complete" fuselage of the Mi-6. What looks like areas that have not been filled well is the crystal clear superglue, combined with the remains of the filler.
2 April 2024, 17:23

Another little something has been added. I'll soon be doing some initial colour/preshading tests and then fitting or at least preparing the myriad of grab rails, aerials and other attachments.
13 April 2024, 13:18

A strong pre-shading should ensure that the following "grey over everything" does not appear strangely monotonous. Some touch-ups are still due - a little colour on the plastic isn't a bad way to see this.
15 April 2024, 06:47

It seems that the double effort was worth it. I guess now everything or almost everything will be easier. Nice preshading! 👍
15 April 2024, 18:49

Thanks for the encouragement, mate!
I'm really looking forward to seeing how the whole thing will look in a more uniform grey ! (I'll be using Gunze H 417)
16 April 2024, 09:04

Nothing to be seen anymore of the crude AModel base. Looking good. The exhausts caught my eyes and I mistook them for metal ones. Then I realised that they are the result of well done filling, sanding and coloring. Looking forward for more.
16 April 2024, 10:59

Holla die Waldfee! What huge chunks!
And a big bonus point for your perseverance with this crude kit 👍 I would probably have thrown such parts away.
16 April 2024, 11:52

Thanks for the support, mates! The battle with the elements will probably leave a few marks, but I'm currently working hard to remove any new (now only minor) imperfections with a layer of filler. I also think you're right: the major work on the hull seems to have been completed. 🙂
17 April 2024, 15:31

Very interesting! Watching this.
And as others have already said: "Good luck!"
17 April 2024, 18:10

Thank you for your appreciated words and interest, mates!
18 April 2024, 18:15

The large fuselage is now beginning to show its actual shape and surface colour. Everything is still shiny from the sealing of the decals. This is followed by washing and subtle weathering before the undercarriage is fitted.
20 April 2024, 13:08

Looking good! Really looking forward to see this big birds finished. 👍
20 April 2024, 13:10

Thank you for your words Jürgen - I'm really looking forward to the result too!
20 April 2024, 13:14

Ow wow great progress Roland!! And what a beast of a helicopter but also a real beast of a kit! Great to see what you can make of this
20 April 2024, 16:35

Thank you for these motivating comments, mates-I will keep you up to date! 🙂
21 April 2024, 07:22

Aptly expressed! 🙂 Thanks for your appreciated comment, mate!
2 May 2024, 05:35

Now it's almost done - all assemblies are finished, antennas mounted.... What's left to do now is to airbrush the areas where the CA glue is still shiny and all the areas that have been touched up with a brush. In addition, all the windows still need to be reworked. I have broken out some of them and replaced them with "Klearfix"; these are still drying and therefore look strange.
5 May 2024, 18:19

Again, a few new pictures show the completion of this second Mi-6 "Hook" project. In contrast to the Mi-22, a different set of etched parts was used here - which meant that the two antenna "antlers" on the nose had to be removed from the kit - including a few compromises in fineness and detail.
In general, however, the two projects are very similar; this giant was also a flying command post, albeit in a less elaborate form than the Mi-22 version that followed it. You'll excuse the similarity of the pictures - I tried to provide variety with a scenario of all "arid plateaus". : )
11 May 2024, 18:23

The side antennas are mounted too far forward - on the right the antenna was behind the door, not on the door. Maybe that can still be corrected?
And while we're at the front door: there's still a mask that needs to be removed from the window. 😉
11 May 2024, 19:05

Thank you all very much! Thanks also for the suggestion about the incorrectly positioned aerials, BAT21 - you're absolutely right, I'm grateful for the tip and promise to put things right with the next "Hook". Your comments all make me happy and motivate me, thank you for all your interest!
12 May 2024, 10:30

Fantastic job, Roland. A master class of encouragement against discouragement to face the hard work of facing such a complicated kit full of plastic lumps.
Very nice and realistic result. Congrats!
12 May 2024, 18:27

thank you, mates, for your motivating comments- very appreciated!
13 May 2024, 10:16

This is an astonishing result. Seriously, I am still not sure if I am looking at a model or a photo of the real thing. Absolutely amazing!
13 May 2024, 12:00

Top result from a heap of plastic. The last pictures are the cherries on the cake and are just pure joy to watch.
13 May 2024, 16:11

Really, I am very happy about your reactions, mates! I am impressed and feel very motivated- thank you very much for your encouraging comments!
14 May 2024, 06:31

Eure Rückmeldung freut mich- herzlichen Dank für diese Worte!
20 May 2024, 17:31

Ich will die Euphorie nicht dämpfen, aber mir ist aufgefallen, am Heckrotor sind zwei Fehler verbaut. Zum einem ist die Drehrichtung des Heckrotors falsch und die Rotorwelle ist viel zu lang. Vielleicht kann man das noch ändern? Ansonst, bei diesem Bausatz, eine schöne Fleißarbeit.
11 June 2024, 14:24

Hallo Bernhard, ich danke Dir als Kenner der Thematik für die wichtigen Hinweise. Nachdem ich auch noch zwei Mi-10 vorhabe, freue ich mich, jetzt besser informiert zu sein! Euphorie gefällt mir auch- danke für den wirklich hilfreichen Kommentar!
Hello Bernhard, as an expert on the subject, thank you for the important information. As I'm also planning two more Mi-10s, I'm pleased to be better informed now! I also like Euphoria - thanks for the really helpful comment!
11 June 2024, 16:06