Porsche 917LH
15 July 2012, 17:44

Added a few new pictures and added some comments as well! Enjoy!
1 August 2012, 06:55

are you happy yourself with the pre-shading? or will it remain a one time event?
2 August 2012, 06:27

I think I'll be using it more often, especially on interiors and the underside of cars. I tried something simular on the underside of an Impreza once and that came out pretty nice as well, even though it was a much darker color (blue of course). (see here for pics: forum.depaddock.net/..p?t=18201&page=4).
2 August 2012, 06:34

@Guido: agree on making it a bit stronger. I might still do another run with an even lighter shade of grey, we'll see.
2 August 2012, 10:28

A little more progress with some home-made parts.
1 September 2012, 15:02

To anyone interested, I'll be taking this build along to KMK Scale World tomorrow! Check it out at the stand of the Paddock Modelbouw!
8 September 2012, 13:30

You mean of the body?
Simple version: put on a layer of clearcoat (or several actually) and then polish until it shines...
Complex version: put on a layer of clearcoat, then sand carefully with 2000+ sandpaper until it's fairly smooth (not shiny!); be very careful not to sand through the clearcoat!. Then apply a new coat of clear, this one should come out pretty smooth already because the previous layer was. Depending on how smooth start polishing/sanding with 3600 or 4000 until 12000 then continue with the Tamiya polish compounds until it shines like a mirror 😉.
Remember this is how I usually do it, others will have other ways that will get the same result. I use Zero Paint pre-thinned clearcoat (not 2K).
8 September 2012, 14:42

Added a few more pictures showing the (slow) progress of this build.
1 November 2012, 19:12

Yes of course, all those fine details and technical features awaken my desire of " must built these"
Nice construction threat!
4 November 2012, 14:11

Engine looks really cool! Do you paint it or do you let it like it is?
29 November 2012, 08:37

@Holger: what do you mean? I don't think I understand your question....
29 November 2012, 08:50

Tim, i mean: Is the engine already painted or do you have to do it now?
29 November 2012, 08:56

It's completely painted now. Unlike military builders(?) most car-builders paint the engine during assembling, not after it 😉
29 November 2012, 09:56

Beautifully achieved engine Tim. Some lovely scratch work as well...🙂
11 March 2013, 20:18

Another small update. This one is an important one as the engine and gearbox are now installed into the rear frame.
30 April 2013, 09:57

Another update, this one is a biggy as the front and rear-end of car were screwed together 🙂
10 May 2013, 16:39

Added one (1) picture showing the work I did to the cockpit.
18 June 2013, 11:58

Amazing! Is all that we see in the MFH kit or did you add some extra scratched parts as well?
18 June 2013, 13:20

The cables leading from the battery were added by me. And every cable, rod or spring you see around the pedals and brake cylinders were added/scratched by me. Still have to add the throttle cable.
18 June 2013, 13:22

Were you not satisfied with the same items supplied in the kit??? If so!!!
What was wrong with them???
18 June 2013, 13:37

Steve, the items I added weren't in the kit at all.
18 June 2013, 16:26

Added a few more pictures of the progress I made recently.
16 August 2013, 18:25

Thanks for the update Tim, it's stll amazing to look over your shoulder 👍
16 August 2013, 20:53

Terrific build, paint job and weathering!
I'd like to have it at home!! 😉
29 September 2013, 14:16

Excellent work...
And progress Tim, love your attention to detail🙂
29 September 2013, 14:26

Added some pics with more progress. Cockpit almost done now 🙂
28 October 2013, 10:31

Wow! Great work! I love the used style, not clinically clean! Keep it up 🙂
28 October 2013, 12:27

Incredible details!
I`m so jealous!
Hope I could built someday in the future such a nice model from MFH!!
Great stuff!!!
28 October 2013, 15:11

I love when people takes a highly detailed model and details it 🙂 Great work ! 👍
28 October 2013, 21:25

Come on we need to see this greatest build..................good work.
30 October 2013, 02:56

A little more progress, including a correction of the steering wheel and cutting out a door!
11 November 2013, 18:03

What a fantastic love to details...cutting out the door, correcting the angle of the steering wheel...amazing Tim!!
11 November 2013, 21:15

Just added a few pictures with a really small update... just did some work on the seats.
2 December 2013, 11:03

Added a few pics showing how I the door wil be fixed to the body.
12 March 2014, 19:18

How exciting to see such skill and dedication in one place. You are a most talented modeller and such a fine example you have set as to what is possible.
I am in awe Just fantastic.🙂
3 December 2014, 18:40

Finally had the stomach to start with te 2 big decals on the body. And it turned out quit nice 🙂 Mind you, those red parts are 1 decal per side!
7 January 2015, 18:38

Looking really great Tim, I remember those glow in the dark roundels🙂
14 January 2015, 09:02

Lol!!! (((😄 ))) 'fraid so Tim... But I'm still that 4yr old at the 1955 Monaco GP in mind and heart!!!
14 January 2015, 12:36

Tim, the above link is to the company that manufactures the Glowsheet" that is used on these racing cars for night racing. I can first remember it being advertised in "Finescale Modeller" magazine some years ago. And now I say. What a most spectacular build this has turned out to be.
Congratulations mate. 🙂
14 January 2015, 13:06

Fixed the lower bodypanels to the chassis! (and played a bit with photoshop).
2 February 2015, 08:00

Oh man, must be a lot of fun to assemble and painting such an amazingly detailed kit. I`m a lil`bit jealous.
At some point in my life I'm going to buy a model of MFH.
I wish you all patience and fun!
Your model looks great!
8 February 2015, 13:51

Terrific !!!! What a kit ,,, and what a fantastic work you've done. I particularly like the engine and the way you've painted the fiber-glass body panels.
19 February 2015, 08:08

More progress on the door(s), wheels and lights.
28 February 2015, 16:15

Almost done with this one! Just going to add a couple of small extra details, more on that later. The stand to keep the rear up will be replace with something different 😉
6 May 2015, 12:58

This has been a long running project for you Tim, and from my seat here, well worth every minute mate. Beautifully detailed in every way. 🙂
6 May 2015, 13:13

Excellence in progress, well done Tim!!! Watch in awe folks...
There are some awesome model builders out there, we're just luck we have a lot of em! on scalemates👍8)
15 May 2015, 10:40
Album info
WIP pictures of my build of the Model Factory Hiro Porsche 917LH in 1/24