Tamiya Renault RE-20 Turbo
Photo 1 of 24
30 January 2013, 23:44

Looks Great - I always wanted to try one of those large scale racer kits, just not enough room to display it...
17 April 2013, 12:17

Wow thnx a lot mates.... what a reminder to put some new pics online 😳
18 April 2013, 16:33

a little update 😉 I'm still also working on review.
20 April 2013, 17:23

Hi Stefan - not my world in modeling, but for me it's really an outstandig work 👍
20 April 2013, 17:57

I hadn't seen this... Beauty!
Great work Stefan.
Waiting for the next update.
20 April 2013, 18:16

All the technical features and the fantastic details of these F 1 model cars catching all my attention!
I will follow this project!
10 May 2013, 09:12

Thanks mates.... here's a update.... well this is the point where it's getting difficult for me. Give me little parts and I love to fiddle them together, but the big paint job worked out...hmmm BAD 😠 I stopped counting how often I tried to get a good white on the cowl. A "paint-nose" is the result, so I have to do it over again. I think I could need some help at this point... any suggestions how to meke a good white coat would be very appriciated 😳
12 May 2013, 20:00

Details,details,details 🙂 love it ! when it comes to the paint job i think you are spraying a bit heavy coats maybe ? i build my paint jobs in multiple very thin layers with some trying time in between.
12 May 2013, 20:19

Thanks Alex...that's what I thought too. At some places the white paint didn't stick. There where always yellow spots. I'm wondering if I should do other prime first... gray didn't worked as I wanted, maybe white prime?
12 May 2013, 20:29

White is a tricky colour to paint. you should paint white over a white primer otherwise the colour of the primer will darken the top coat. but it's very hard to see what your doing when painting white on white. i don't know if your using spray cans or airbrush ? It's very hard to get smooth and even layers with a spray can, and often you get small runs in the paint. especially with white paint since it's hard to see what your doing. but try to wait a little longer between the coats and give it another go. good luck 🙂
12 May 2013, 23:06

Wow Guido..that's what I call a perfect "how-too" Thank you very, very much!! You explained some things I surely did wrong. At first I saw a video with waiting 30 sec to 1 min. I never sanded the primer and still not sanded the laquer. You're absolutely right in practicing, that's what I'll gonna do now. I was was always really afraid of the paint job, but now I'm getting confident and will give it another try, again and again. Next paint job will be a cheap revell porsche in orange. A good one for practicing. Thanks again mate!! I really apriciate your're help and would love to meet you, maybe Mol?
15 May 2013, 18:43

Great job so far Stefan! I can only agree with Guido's 'how-to'; that's how I do it, exactly the same😉
27 May 2013, 12:00

@ Guido: yes....sometimes😉 @ Guy: wow thanks a lot! I'm just do it over and over again until I'm satisfied. You both are really inspirational to me. @ Gerald: Die Zündkabel sind richtige Kabel, das andere sind Schlauchleitungen.🙂 Thanks again to all, you keep me going on😉
29 May 2013, 06:51

I can smell some gasoline from the pipes, outstanding good, you are so talented,
18 July 2013, 17:10

Thanks guys.... By the way, I have now removed all paint from the body, did some putty work and restart with the paint job 🙂
18 July 2013, 17:35
Album info
Pics from buillding the Renault RE-20 Turbo