Harbour diorama - the beginnings
23 February 2013, 13:33

This is the beginning of a 1:700 harbour diorama, which will center on USS Pennsylvania. I´m planning to use some of my collection of small craft and other diorama items here. This is Alliance´s splendid multi-media kit of a 100 ton self-propelled floating crane, which went together well and is now almost ready for painting. Don´t mind the blob of PVA - I´m still trying to fill a gap there.
23 February 2013, 13:37

Very nice Frank, but blimey! you must have bionic eyes, I'd go screwy 1:43 is bad enough!!!😄😄😄
23 February 2013, 14:02

Bending, folding and assembling must have taken some time, especially considering how tiny this must be... And gluing/soldiering these small parts must be fun too. Or maybe you used ants or spiders to do the job for you?
24 February 2013, 07:53

Great job Frank, looks awesome, you must have eagle eyes to work on that scale, cant wait to see the progress of this one 👍
Greetz Phil
24 February 2013, 08:25

Thank you all - it turned out to be easier than expected, due to good PE design. I´m currently toying around with ideas on diorama layout and am waiting for a reference book on Pennsylvania - I´ll keep you posted on my progress!
24 February 2013, 09:21

Yes Frank!!! please keep us updated I'd love to see your progress and the finished project...👍👍👍
24 February 2013, 09:37

Amazing what can be done in such a small scale.
It's a question of time when we are going see the first modeler with access to Additive Layer Manufacturing equipment at his workplace to come up with replica structures in even smaller scale 🙂
24 February 2013, 09:57

Incredible crane! Very nice, I'd like to do something similar someday.
24 February 2013, 10:41

Uuuh ... Frank ... kleiner dürfte das wirklich nicht sein! Gute Augen (oder Lupe), ruhige Hände und Geduld sind da Voraussetzung für so ein tolles Ergebnis!
Oooh ... Frank ... this should really be no less! Good eyes (or lens), steady hands and patience are prerequisites for such a great result! 👍
24 February 2013, 11:00

Im...po...si...ble!!Good that there is a cent to compare the size.I didnt believe it if somebody have told me.
24 February 2013, 15:12

Next addition is Samek´s YMS (auxiliary minesweeper). A very neat little kit, and a rather quick build to boot!
27 March 2013, 11:48

The detail in that bug sized Tug is mind boggling, I doff my cap to your miniature modelling expertise Frank, very well done🙂🙂
27 March 2013, 12:05

Thank you all! I did some shopping at BMK today, and bought some of the cool Alliance harbour accessory sets, plus brass barrels for USS Pennsylvania. Really looking forward to work with those!
27 March 2013, 19:14

The project might grow yet a bit more - I´ll keep you updated!
27 March 2013, 20:35

I started two of the Alliance dockyard sets I bought at BMK yesterday. The water towerwent really well and looks the part, the freight car, too - but the engine and the coal car look a bit wonky. Konestly speaking, they were on the tricky side assemblywise ...
28 March 2013, 16:57

That's a real beauty Frank, and your handling of those fragile PE pieces looks masterful.
28 March 2013, 17:47

does the carriage door move?lol,you have nimble fingers,and a master of the metal gear
29 March 2013, 10:47

Thank you all a lot! The carriage doors may be posed as desired, making them work is for the likes of Jim Baumann!
While waiting for the Vulcan´s glosscoat to dry, I assembled some Alliance MW buildings.
29 March 2013, 13:40

assembled is totally the wrong word,used voodoo to shrink people to miniature size and make them work like dogs to build the structures,is more like it.OUTSTANDING
29 March 2013, 15:21