Dassault Mirage III CZ of SAAF
2 29 March 2013, 14:23

hum i think i saw a Mirage... yes i did! A Mirage... well made by you Dirk i already know that im going to love it, so please make the pictures coming please.
29 March 2013, 15:02

Servus Dirk! Das schaut ja schon wieder sehr vielversprechend aus.
29 March 2013, 15:30

This is a great start, like always😉
It looks very prommising, I stay tuned Dirk, like Vitor says "let the pictures coming"
Great scratchbuild on the trolly and the rockets 👍
Greetz Phil
29 March 2013, 16:37

Your MATRAs are looking very good, Dirk!
And the first steps in the cockpit are also incredible - go on! 😄
29 March 2013, 17:04

Thx Mates!
Additional pictures are added! I`ve painted the frontwheel and the frontwheelbay. RBF Tag is from Reheat Models!
31 March 2013, 14:09

as always you find the right way to make a project very interesting for me!
Congrats for your nice ideas!
5 April 2013, 08:43

one question about the Kit, why HobbyBoss, is this better than the Eduard MirageIII??
5 April 2013, 08:45

@ Oliver:
No, this kit is not really better as the Eduard one! It is in fact almost identical! 🙂
Eduard has more special features included, like a pilot figure and photo-etched parts for examble!
However the Hobbyboss is much cheaper. I bought this box for 15 Euro!!!
5 April 2013, 10:31

thanks for this info!
will you bring these begun parts with to heiden?
5 April 2013, 11:48

The CSF Cyrano Interceptor Radar is ready scratch built and my South African Mirage Pilot Guus Venter!
Please start viewing with picture 15..........
3 May 2013, 11:04

... Mir fehlen irgendwie die Worte, was das Radar angeht... Vielleicht:"Du must ja vollkommen irre sein...!"?
Oder vielleicht: Wahnsinn!?
In jedem Falle aber: Supergeil gemacht, ich bin neidisch!!!😢
3 May 2013, 11:15

Small finger Dirk in action. Got you! You forgot to engrave the company logo on the pilot's suit zipper...😉
Holger's right - you're insane...and genius!😉
3 May 2013, 13:28

Wow Dirk, youve make a masterpiece of the radar, looking forward what is comming next, fantastic job mate.
Greetz Phil
3 May 2013, 16:36

Picture 21 with the lighter tells a lot,fantastic detail on the radar.
3 May 2013, 16:55

Thx mates for your comments!
I`m very dismayed, you know more of my psychological state than I thought!!😉
3 May 2013, 21:25

😄 😄
Und schon wieder habe ich Dich zum Harald gemacht! Sry, der Name ist irgendwie ein Selbstläufer, da ein Freund so heißt!
Ich gelobe besserung und beim nächsten mal heißt es dann: Holgald, ich schaff das!!! Versprochen
4 May 2013, 10:00

Is schon ok, Dietmar! Wir werden doch alle älter oder Detlef?😢 Solange ich keine Mädchennamen von Dir bekomme bin ich doch happy!8)
4 May 2013, 13:14

Amazing Dirk . You have to tell me the secret about your sources that provide you the knowledge of all the details. 😉
4 May 2013, 13:50

a picture of Jim Carrey as Lady G. would have been enough!!! 😉
The music, ääh sry this noise is more than harrowing...... :/
thx for your nice comments!
there is no secret 🙂
Only a bunch of great pictures of friendly modellers in France!
Some amazing detail pictures are found on Swiss web pages.
I search for example with keywords like "CSF Cyrano II" to find the necessary detail pictures for my Mirage Radar!
Some nice books like this:
that`s all 🙂
4 May 2013, 22:11

Seeing the works like this and Marek Swiderskis's Su-25 makes me to blieve that scratch building is getting to a new generation! Super Works!!
22 May 2013, 22:46

Hi mates,
back again... 🙂
Pls start with picture 29!
Have fun with my WIP Lap 3!
27 June 2013, 19:26

*klunk* (sound of my jaw hitting the floor!).....looking REALLY good!
27 June 2013, 19:54

Speachless!! Stunning job Dirk, wonderfull details and fantastic paintjob.
Greetz Phil
28 June 2013, 05:52

Thx mates for your kindly comments.
@ Wim: Outsch, didn`t hurt it??? 🙂 🙂
28 June 2013, 06:10

Thx mates!
@ Luc:
At first I was searching for a resin replacement! As the cockpit is extremly narrow I didn`t want spending money, so I start to add some details out of plastic and lead foil and Magic Sculp!
Do you know a brand of photo-etched buckles, especially for Jet aircraft`s?
29 June 2013, 09:41

@Dirk: sorry I checked my stash, I had generic instrument panels from them not the buckles. But you could use following set? (depends on your vision of requiring fully accurate buckles) Buckles - Soviet Modern Air Force (Part S48-015, 1:48)
30 June 2013, 06:32

Aaaaah Luc,
you are the best!!! 🙂
Many many thx! Products from Part are always available!
30 June 2013, 11:17

Have done some minor add ons.
The basic cockpit parts are not bad of course, but I liked to achieve a more busy and technical appearance.
10 July 2013, 13:45

Dirk, its looking great but one question, if you allow: The RBF tags on the bangseat; will you paint the white lettering or will you do it with little decals?
10 July 2013, 14:05

@ Holger
This RBF tags in usage of the Mirage III and their ejection seat, did not have any lettering.
Don`t assume this fact for all other tags on french aircraft`s !
Have in mind, the british Airforce was using in 1960 to 1970 only red/white striped tags without any lettering.
Maybe this practice is later on passed into official use?!
I can`t say why, but the french and south african airforce in 19 60 to 1970 seems to make an exception here?!
I could find only tags in red and no lettering.
Back to your question " How would I tackle that", if I would do so, I would using my Reheat Decals for this manner!
And of course, your questions my friend are always welcome!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
10 July 2013, 14:35

That looks pretty busy Dirk, I like it very much, this is another top build my friend 👍
10 July 2013, 18:45

The avionic bay is ready scratch built.
I would like to say thank you to all my friends, especially in France and Belgium, which did an amazing job to aid this modelling project!
Thanks and in hope you read this! 🙂
16 July 2013, 09:05

Unbelievable work, as always!! When you get a chance, please show us one of your mistakes so we can all be sure that you are indeed human. Otherwise, we have to call the Men In Black! 🙂 🙂 🙂
16 July 2013, 17:56

Ok Guys doesn`t matter...
Keep smiling and look to me at picture 54
🙂 🙂 🙂
16 July 2013, 21:28

Wow Dirk,
you´re really fantastic!
Very interesting detailling behind the cockpit!!
17 July 2013, 07:12

shit, now i've forgotten why i'm looking at this page........??
17 July 2013, 14:05

damn nice, i can almost taste the bitter steal taste of that misile, wak wak, i dont want to go to war with you, are you sure its not real, by the way you want to see my secret so i show you 2, trie to guess what i am building then.
18 July 2013, 16:20

Again wonderful work preceded with the necessary research, i like it.
19 July 2013, 07:01

Was soll man da noch sagen? Ist mir unbegreiflich, was Du hier zeigst. Eine Arbeit jenseits der Neidgrenze, einfach nur toll. Vielen Dank, Dirk!
20 July 2013, 22:46

Ok, next steps are done.
The Avionics bays are painted and the entire fuselage and wings are upgraded with tiny little rivets made with my tool "Rosie the Riveter"
Enjoy and have fun.
28 July 2013, 10:02

So you enjoyed rose the riveter. 🙂 I've done this also with my Mig-19.😉
For the rest 👍.
28 July 2013, 10:57

Normally I`m using Dymo tape as a guide.
In thiscase I`ve used a strong and thick but flexible tape!
If I don`t have any blueprints, I try to verify close up pictures of the real thing!
28 July 2013, 17:17

Mir fehlen die Worte Dirk!!
Einfach fantastisch, immer wieder eine Freude Dir beim Basteln über die Schulter zu schauen.....
29 July 2013, 15:26

Guus is very proud of what you have done to his little "brother" and his ride !!
You did it more justice than I ever could.
30 July 2013, 19:28

This is a wonderful paintjob Dirk, I don't find the right words to discribed this beautiful work, I hope to see this beauty soon! This will be a next masterpiece from the master of details, I love this work!
Greetz Phil
18 August 2013, 12:55

This is .........insane 🙂 .......... modeling at the highest level 👍
18 August 2013, 14:54

This is absolutly beautiful. I hope to see it during the KMK contest. 🙂
18 August 2013, 17:25

My jaw drops everytime i see your scratchbuild skills.
Brilliant!!! 👍 👍 👍
19 August 2013, 07:26

Hi Dirk, another wonderful masterpiece. Looking forward to see you at the Heiden Show 2014! Cheer, Christian
19 August 2013, 07:26

Servus Dirk! Hast Du Dir schon mal überlegt für ein Modellbaumagazin, wie z.B. ModellFan, zu arbeiten? Die würden Dich dort mit offenen Armen empfangen. Im Ernst, ich würde dort an Deiner Stelle mal anklopfen.
Und ganz nebenbei: Das wird wieder ein unglaublich tolles Modell von Dir.
20 August 2013, 16:42

Many many thx, mates!
@ Bill
Now it is proven! I`m human!! Yippieh.......
Did an imbecile failure! The castle roundel on the right wing (picture 74) is wrong! The springbok on wings is each facing the fuselage. I could repair this, but now I`m looking for a new castle roundel for the upper side. A friend will help next WE! OMG, an error on the last step!
@ Stefan
Darüber nachgedacht habe ich! Bin immer noch am überlegen ob ich nicht doch lieber " Art of Modelling" fragen soll!
Das Magazin sagt mir von seiner Aufmachung mehr zu! Glaube aber die suchen eher Stahlblech Autoren?
20 August 2013, 23:09

Aber ich habe doch nie einen Bericht für MF geschrieben???
Die hätten doch mal was sagen können!!! 🙁
Wann und wo war denn das???????????
21 August 2013, 12:06

@Dirk, das war in einer von den letzten Heften, glaube ich. Da war Deine Vampire das Foto des Monats, recht weit vorne im Heft. Es war ein doppelseitiger hochglanz Augenschmaus! Ich schau heute Abend mal in meine Sammlung und kann Dir genau sagen in welcher das war!
21 August 2013, 12:37

Schön das man sowas im Nachhinein erfährt. Soso Doppelseite.
Na dann!
21 August 2013, 18:16

Es ist in der Modellfan vom November 2012. Auf Seite 6 und sieben ist ein wunderschönes Foto von deiner Vampir unter der Überschrift "Blutsauger aus Holz und Metall"
Ich mach ein Foto und lade dir das morgen hoch!
21 August 2013, 19:28

Big Dilemma!!
A glass shelf with other models fell on my nearly finished Mirage III CZ!
I`m pretty upset!
The complete undercarriage, all aerials, pitots and the hole aux tanks as the center Rocket Matra are demolished!
At two to three points of the aluminum finish is destroyed...
I`m drinking a beer that moment and wanna start to rescue my model!
OMG! What happens?????????
27 August 2013, 19:03

@ Christian:
Minor undercarriage damage to my Airacobra, Fennek and MB Truc are save!
27 August 2013, 19:32

Dann ist das ja trotzdem noch glimpflich ausgegangen. Hoffentlich bekommst du das Alufinish wider hin.
27 August 2013, 19:57

Oh sh... Im very sorry two years ago happend me the same thing and destroyed 2 harriers and a canberra .....im very sorry hope you sort everything
27 August 2013, 20:11

Sh.. Dirk, this is a little tragedy! I hope you can rescue these beautifull works 🙁
27 August 2013, 20:18

Das ist sehr bedauerlich. Hoffentlich bekommst du das wieder hin.
28 August 2013, 05:14

Dirk, if anyone that can rescue this it's you
go for it and amaze us again
28 August 2013, 05:37

Ohhhhh,not good.
Thats a hell of a nightmare.But as Jan said,if anyone can fix it then you!
Ich drück Dir die Daumen das du es hinbekommst.
29 August 2013, 16:21

Dirk - ich kenne so etwas auch und kann Dir das nachfühlen. Nur sind meine Modelle in den blauen Sack gewandert - ich hatte und habe nicht den Nerv etwas zu restaurieren. Deshalb - meinen Respekt!
29 August 2013, 18:41

I could rescue my french baby!!
Done repair to 100%
29 August 2013, 19:36

Hey Dirk...
Showing some amazing modelling skills there...
Any new modellers of all ages or returning modellers, should look at and learn from Dirks very illuminating series of photo's, excellent🙂👍
30 August 2013, 17:55

Ok mates,
well, well!
It is done, I`m happy I could fix the last running disasters, and I want to be sentimental if I remember all the Mick Tanguy comics I`ve reading!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Enjoy and have fun with this "Nightmare" model!😉
31 August 2013, 16:18

One of the best models i have ever seen. Applaus, Applaus! By the way, how did you do the hangar?
31 August 2013, 16:49

This is a stunning job mate! A wonderful Mirage with a lot of beautiful details, this will be a eyecatcher next week at KMK.
There are no remarks at all, I'm glad you rescue this baby😉
Greetz Phil
31 August 2013, 18:14

Thx mates,
for your kindly comments!
I`ve added six additional pictures!
31 August 2013, 18:31

Fantastic rescue! If I'm ever able to a achieve a finish half as good I'd be a happy man...
31 August 2013, 18:49

No, no, no. I won't admit this one at our KMK contest. It's ridiculous to enter that model. You leave the rest of the competitors no change of winning gold. 🙂
Let's come to the bar and you'll receive a drink from me. STUNNING. 👍
31 August 2013, 18:59

Hi mates!
The Mirage is not signed in for contest this year in Mol! :/
If it is possible I will take this model with me to show you. Maybe I will find a place to exhibit it , but not in contest. This Mirage is for another contest in Mol ! 🙂 🙂 🙂
This year I wanna sign in my Airacobra! 🙂
31 August 2013, 19:07

Hey, Dirk!
Gigantic good, your Mirage! And absolutely convincing photographed 👍
1 September 2013, 17:08

Hi Dirk,
I would also like to congratulate you on this outstanding Piece of art! A real joy to watch this from start to finish! What othe rshows are you planning on going to, I would really like to see it live sometime.
1 September 2013, 18:28

einfach spitze was Du uns hier wieder zeigst!!!
I´m speechless!
2 September 2013, 06:10

Many thx mates for your kindly and very ambitious words.
So many of you liked my pictures I did in front of my hangar, and commend the realistic atmosphere., so I would like to say something about.
Well, at first it is an easy task to achieve a realistic perspective, as I`m going down and try to have a view like a quarter scale human. At this point my model looks something impressive and huge.
Some guys have recommended to make my pictures outside with a better quantity of light. During my early photographic experiments I did so. But as consequence of such bright light, a lot of details of the model were lost. Now I prefer to make all my pictures with daylight lamps in a large photo tent ( 120cm x120 x120 cm large).
@Christian Meyerhoff:
I explained the work on my hangar here:
Hangar in scale 48 as a photostudio | Album by Vlat
@Helmut Fraundorfer:
My next expos will be in Mol, Eindhoven, Main-Kinzig, and next year in Moveleo!!
2 September 2013, 12:53

Dirk, all the appropiate praising words written above could be repeated by me... it´s just breathtaking!
2 September 2013, 14:10

Well being the last almost (almost!!!!) everything has been said but... no problems i will say it again 😄 One or even the best Mirage in NMF i saw, thais is really amazing! Congratulations Dirk.
You are one of the best modellers i know and i'm a fan of your work, thank you for sharing it.
well i said almost... and forgive me if i'm going to mention it but... when i see the stunishing work you have done there but... you didn't put an weighed tires on it?? Its like almost die in the beach, this doesn't take ANY value to your work, that i early mentioned is something of amazing, but... well, i hope you don't take me wrong.
Im still a fan of your art 😉 😄 😄 😄
6 September 2013, 00:03

Great paintjob, Dirk! It's not easy to do realistic metallic paint-jobs. And great pictures!
1 June 2014, 10:52

Awesome work, could you sharing more pics of your hangar? It is amazing!
2 June 2014, 10:42

Hello Dirk, some more friendly words 🙂 I am late in saying this: one of the most impressive builds I have ever seen, looking at these marvellous photographs is pure fun!
3 June 2014, 05:07

Impressive result mate, you have done excellent job giving life to those large flat surfaces.
3 June 2014, 06:27

Kann mich hier Roland nur anschließen, fantastische Arbeit - wünschte ich könnte auch so lackieren!
4 June 2014, 16:05
Album info
Here are my first steps. As usual I've startet with sub assemblies!
The scratch built trolley I found on the SAAF Forum. The SAAF Matras Rockets are truly colourfull! A welcome alternation.