RS Models Avia Ba.122
1 26 April 2013, 16:50

Hi Mike, my english is good? well
but your models, perfect
the colors at the Avia, then no decals but painted
the tension,
makes the speechless on German
26 April 2013, 20:09

Thanks guys! I have a few more RS MOdels kits in my stash, looking forward to building them after this.
26 April 2013, 23:26

this is stunning,and at 1/72 the paint work is awesome,its super model perfect in everyway possible,thnx for the show
27 April 2013, 11:02

Thank you very much for the kind comments guys, glad you like it 🙂
27 April 2013, 13:38

This is a great piece of work, I love it! Colourful, clean work well done!
27 April 2013, 16:54

What a beauty!!!
Mike, you has the right feeling for Braille scale planes and the finish of this lil gems!
Great, great, I don`t have no more words to describe your dexterity!
27 April 2013, 22:02

Thank you again to my fellow scalemates for your nice comments 😄
27 April 2013, 23:03

Well...I certainly hope to attain that level of proficiency. Nice work, indeed.
28 April 2013, 01:07

Amazing! I especially like the way the propeller is done. But everything else is also beautifully done.
28 April 2013, 14:17

lovely ! 🙂
I do hope all your 1/72 aerobats all sit on the same shelf next to each other 😄
30 May 2017, 21:44
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Pretty nice short-run kit.