F9F-2 Panther, ARA 0418, the Build
1 15 May 2013, 13:34

It is very difficult to find pictures of Argentinean Panther cockpit's. I did my best based on those I found.
15 May 2013, 13:40

Cockpit finished. Attention to nose landing system and landing hook, before glueing together the 2 pieces of the fuselage.
16 May 2013, 15:02

Looking good so far, will you fix the error in the windscreen and canopy? It's a simple fix and makes a big difference. The issue is described here:
11 June 2013, 16:27

Thanx for pointing that out and for the link Bill. I came across it a few days back, but because I'm not there yet I didn't give much attention to it.
Now, because I'm gonna do some work on the canopy opening mechanism, an of course going to leave it open, I dont know if its going to be mush difference. (also I dont know how to correctly rescribe (and raise at a point) the canopy line that is going to be sanded down 😳 )
11 June 2013, 18:52

Finally I'm done with the construction process.
The movie "The bridge at Toko-Ri" are the most helpful tool, if anyone wanna build this aircraft.
Next step, primer, assemply and preshade.
Stay tuned!
18 June 2013, 20:08

A small update on the built (after SOOOO long way from my bench)
Primer, preshade, and small fixes + the windshield gap.
I already applied the belly color (white - XF-2), and I'm hoping tommorow I'm gonna apply the top one (grey - H315).
Stay tuned 🙂
1 August 2013, 20:23

I love these "How To's". Excellent work. Can't wait to start mine!!! Keep going! I want to see how it ends!!
1 August 2013, 20:27

Thanx a lot guys.
I already masked the bottom of the fuselage and wings, so next step will be to spray Gunze's H315.
I'm looking for some references on the top part of the nose cone (the panels of the guns housing) where on the limited photos I have, looks bare metal. This applies only to the Argentinean aircrafts.
Anyone with more info? Pleeeeeeeease ( pretty pleas with cherry on top??? ) 🙂
2 August 2013, 11:38

Ok. So, the color is applied, with a couple of mishaps, but nothing to worry. I will let dry a couple of days before fixing the issues.
The weather is very hot and wet, and its a pain for the paints to work as they should.
Also, I'm lookinf for references (again) for 5'' rockets. In some B/W pictures, looks they were painted of 2 colors, but I cant find which. The other reference, speaks of full body olive drab. Any ideas?
3 August 2013, 19:20

Small update on the project.
Just before applying the decals, Pledge Future wa applied on the the F9F, and some parts glued in place.
Hope it will ready by the end of the week!
14 August 2013, 19:54

I just finished appling the declas, and I discovered that I must paint the tip of the wing fuel tanks, red! Something thats not mentioned anywhere..
So, weathering and completion will be delayed a bit 🙁
Meanwhile, I must prepare the canopy, pitots, antennas and accces step.
18 August 2013, 20:29

...and... S*#t happened!
Due to propably high temperatures this afternoon, the wingtip tank decals and the anchor onsignia on the upper surfaces of the wings, were destroyed, after being covered to spray the front part of the tanks (red)...
I have now to find a way to reset the tanks, repaint them, and then try to recreate the lighting style decals... damn....
19 August 2013, 21:18

Dimistris: I don´t have any words..... If you need a replacement decals, think in Condor Decals to get one
20 August 2013, 00:15

Thanx Jose for the tip, but their decal sheet is out of stock everywhere. Might be out of production as well.
With the price of $20-$22 for the decal sheet, I might get the same kit for about $12 😉
(or I'll mask and paint... 😛 )
20 August 2013, 01:38

3 months later, I decided to restart this project.
I fixed the "lightnings" on the wingtip tanks, using printed decal foto on Tamiya's A5 grid-type masking sheet.
Then it was time to receive battle treatment: wash, weathering, as it should be the day after the Navy's Revolt in '63.
Also, re-painted the 5'' HVARS with a dull silver body, and olive drab warhead. Out of 0.1mm copper wire, I made the rockets wiring (fotos when I finish attching them... A Major Pain)
I filled the back of the canopy with milliput, while when open, a nice gap showed up. A rear-view mirror is ready to be attached.
Lastly, out o twisted 0.1mm copper wire, I made the rope ejection handles and painted them in ochre colour. Also waiting to be attached.
Hopefully, I'll be done in a couple of days.
24 November 2013, 12:30

That's it... Finished, done, finito, ready!
Till the next Group Built...
Hope you like it!
1 December 2013, 19:53

Nice to see a Panther not in deep sea blue for a change! Lovely subtle weathering too. Love it!!🙂
10 December 2013, 10:13

I'm glad you like it guys.
In 2014, I will focus on more exotic themes 🙂
10 December 2013, 15:35