A-7 A, in a small "Open House" diorama
3 9 July 2013, 19:49

I'm tuned Christian, this gonne be a great project😉 Nice start so far
9 July 2013, 20:38

Thank´s mates.
@ Phil: Progress is slow because I am not so motivated at the moment.
10 July 2013, 05:11

Hi Christian,
nice to see a new project out of your marvellous model garage!
The details are nice and I will stay tuned to see what`s coming out next time!
See ya in Mol my friend???
10 July 2013, 13:38

Thank´s mates.
@Dirk and Michel: If my driver Franks does not change his mind I will be there and the "Ninja" with me.
10 July 2013, 21:16

I am loking for US Navy figures in 1/72 scale ; neutral poses and service dress, but no flight or deck crew.
can somebody give a hint where to get them?
10 July 2013, 21:19

Have a look by Elheim Figures: several pages with different poses
10 July 2013, 23:01

The details on the wheelbay turned out great, love the etchparts on the cockpit, I stay tuned Christian😉
23 July 2013, 18:24

Thank´s Phil. But to be honest, these PE´s are printed self adhesives from Eduard.
23 July 2013, 20:38

It is the first time that I use this type of product. I was sceptical if they would be scratche during assembly but these doubts where baseless. They are easy to handle. Theonly disadvantage for my taste is that they are glossy but I will spray a flat coat over it.
23 July 2013, 21:23

that`s truly nice!
Fine detailing and a pretty nice paint job!
23 July 2013, 21:59

Brilliant, Christian! You've become the Scalemates Poster Child for Insane Detailing on Very Small Aircraft! 🙂
24 July 2013, 01:00

Thank´s Michel and Clifford.
Started to glue wheel wells, nozzle and cockpit into the fuselage when I realized that there is a gap between the rear cockpit wall and the fuselage. Have to close it by using styreene strips (see photo).
31 July 2013, 16:39

Thank's mates. I hope that progress will increase because tomorrow will be the last working day before 4 weeks of vacation and modelling will start
1 August 2013, 17:48

Is it 1/72 scale? If it is I would not be able to see it without a microscopeLOL. Great job so far.
3 August 2013, 21:20

Progress is slow because of the bad fit. To compesate this I did some work at the intended base.
8 August 2013, 20:00

I am still looking for some pictures that clearly show how the plane is fixed with chains on deck. Found some pictures that show that the foreward landing gear is fixed. In this case it is an eye visible where the chain is hooked in. But on Detail photos of the landing gears these eyes are not present. Are there different landing gear designs ( with and without eye) or is this eye not permanent?
I also found some detail photos of the main landing gears that shows an eye to fix the plane. But photos of fixed plane show that the chains seem to be hooked in at the wing folding mechanism .
Who know detais about this and could provide photos?
8 August 2013, 20:09

Progress is slow. The reason is the bad quality of the surface and the panellines. Some panellines are completely missing, others are fanciful in that way that they are completly wrong or at the wrong position. Others are very diffuse and nearly unvisible. Two photos attached to show this. So despite the first good impression because of the good detailed cockpit and the maintenance compartements I would not recommend this kit.
16 August 2013, 09:52

@ Luc: It is started and will be finished. But with more efforts than expected and intended.
16 August 2013, 10:56

The deck looks great Christian, it's a shame about the pannellines and surface details, don't get demotivated, when it's finished you will be a happy man😉
Greetz Phil
16 August 2013, 15:31

Thank's Phil. It will be surely be finished. Will you be at KMK Scaleworld?
16 August 2013, 18:38

Its a pity about the quality,but i am sure you gonna fix all of this. 🙂
16 August 2013, 18:52

Yes Christian I will be at KMK Scaleworld, looking forward to this event😉
Greetz Phil
16 August 2013, 21:53

New pics added. The wings and the cockpit panel are assembled. I also molded a cover for the intake
20 August 2013, 14:18

Painting is finished. Some pics of the painting process added. Target was to get a subtle preshading. Tomorow the decals wiil be applied.
29 August 2013, 20:36

Asw far as I know navy planes show a glossy finish. Is this correct?
29 August 2013, 20:38

Depends on when you film them. Fresh into a deployment the aircraft is quite glossy, but as the deployment continues, patching is quite evident on the paint jobs and the once glossy sheen sometimes turn into a satin finish as the greese, fuel and salt start to eat at the paint.
29 August 2013, 21:36

Hi Dave and Jose. Thanks for your response. My thinking was also that glossy would not look o.k. on a 1/72 model. Therefore I thought about painting it semi gloss. Your comments confirmed this.
29 August 2013, 21:44

Wonderful paintjob Christian 👍 Looking forward when the decals went on. A semi gloss coat will do a wonderful job? Great Progress, almost finished.
Greetz Phil
30 August 2013, 05:40

Thank's Phil and Markus.
@Phil: Only the aircraft will be finished at first stage of this project. There will be much to do at the second and third stage. E.g. fixing it on the deck, painting figures, building some scratch build parts. The intention is to build an open house diorama.
30 August 2013, 08:11

Großartig! Hab' gerade gelesen, dass Du nach Ried kommst. Da sehen wir uns ja sicher. Stellst Du auch aus? Falls ja, musst Du auf jeden Fall die Corsair mitnehmen.
31 August 2013, 07:28

Thank's mates.
@Stefan F: Ich werde mit dem 1.PMC Nuernberg dort sein und auch ausstellen. Ob ich die Corsair dann dabei haben werde weis ich noch nicht. Im Moment sieht es nicht danach aus, da ich sie ja auf einem kleinen Diorama praesentieren moechte und ich glaube nicht, dass ich das bis dahin fertig bekomme.
31 August 2013, 08:14

Hi Christian,
nice job you did, old freebooter! 🙂
Tell me, my friend, how fits the decals? I`d a lot of problems as my HB Decals didn`t snuggle well to the surface!
Even Daco Strong Solution couldn`t soften the decals!!!1
I heard from three other different models and modellers who built HB, the same story!!!
It seems I understand Vitor and his criticism about HB better now! 🙂
31 August 2013, 09:47

Thank's mates.
@Dirk: I used micro set and micro sol. The decals snuggled well into the surface. No silvering until now. => No problems with the decals
31 August 2013, 13:18

A friend told me that windshield of the A-7 was transparent blue colored. But he was unsure if this was also the case at the early A-7 like the A version. Is somebody of you able to provide info regarding this issue?
1 September 2013, 19:12

Thank´s Michael. Did you do this in the past? How did you do it? I intend to use Tamiyas transparent blue but heavily thinned.
2 September 2013, 05:49

Gunze also make a nice group of transparent colours, including blue. The key, as Michael points out, is not to overdo it. I always paint the inside of the clear part if possible. I think it adds to the realism.
2 September 2013, 18:42

No blue center window on this A-7D i think,maybe its not visible on the picture.
2 September 2013, 19:06

@Stefan: According to my friend, named Wilfried Eck, it shall only be a very slight shade of blue. He also mentioned, like Bill, to paint it only from inside and only the windshield => I agree that it is not visible on the photo.
2 September 2013, 20:22

Great progress, so far Lemmy! The paintjob looks very good, i´m curious for the final result!
3 September 2013, 09:50

Some slow Progress; I started to rework the missles ( pic 33)
10 September 2013, 19:18

Rework of te Sidewinders is finished. Some new pics added. Nerxt will be the rework of the pylons and of the bombs.
22 September 2013, 13:12

woow Lemmy, sublime modelling...now this is one of those reasons why I hide my things 🙂
22 September 2013, 16:48

Thank's mates.
@Zimmi:As written in an other bog: You don't have to hide you works. Believe me 🙂
22 September 2013, 17:00

pic 37 to 45 added; For a description read the coments of the pics
21 October 2013, 19:13

The base is custom made tarmac? What´s the brand?
Nice improved rockets and superb details on pylons!
You`ll get a little gem as result of your nice improvements!
22 October 2013, 07:04

Than's guys.
@Dirk: The tarmac is from ts-modellbau. I baught it last jear in Helchteren.
22 October 2013, 14:40

Thank´s mates.
@Bill: It works well with magnification googles. The problem is that they look awfull on photos with high magnification. In true scale they look better.
28 October 2013, 06:17

Hi Christian
I take this assembly in progress. You did a great job of detailing on this kit and given the scale. I look forward to seeing the finished diorama.
28 October 2013, 08:25

The plane is almost finished. Next steps will be to scratchbuild some accesories for the dio ( wheel chocks, visitor platform, visitor barriers)
16 November 2013, 15:33

Verdammt, meine Augäpfel sind unter den Tisch gefallen...
Hast Du einen Schrumpfstrahl erfunden und eine echte A-7 verkleinert?
16 November 2013, 16:59

erschreckend perfekt 👍
absoluter Hammer , wenn ich mal Zeit habe , versuche ich mich auch in Modellbau auf dem Level 👍 einfach nur faszinierend
jedes Bild bringt neue Details und Überraschungen
Gratuliere 👍
16 November 2013, 17:10

Vielen Dank für eure motivierenden Kommentar. Letztendlich ist das alles aber nur das Resultat von jeder Menge Geduld und etwas Recherche. Danke www , daß es dich gibt !!! 😉
16 November 2013, 17:39

That looks awesome, great finish and nice details. Love the figures too.
16 November 2013, 18:52

Thank's Aghis.
@Guido:I didn't realize your coment because it was written while I answered Bill and Wilfried.
16 November 2013, 19:59

This is again a masterjob Lemmy, looking awesome, love the waethering, deffenitly a eyecatcher, another winner is born mate! 👍
Greetz Phil
17 November 2013, 09:39

very very well done model.
The finish is great and the clean built of this model giv`em all attributes of an amazing built model.
The extra details pushing this model up to modellers heaven.
17 November 2013, 11:05

17 November 2013, 17:04

Thank's Zimmi. I am sure you will see it next year.
26 November 2013, 16:08

The project is finisherd now. Some pics of the last construction stages and of the finished dio added.
18 December 2013, 17:17

I was admiring the Corsair, until I saw the woman in the red dress...😉
18 December 2013, 17:19

Top dollar job and as mentioned all at 1/72 which is awesome. The figures are brill - late 60's maybe? I really like the A7 Corsair - not the best looker around in my opinion but was a mean machine.
18 December 2013, 17:45

Great Dio Christian, this is another winner my friend, Yes Aghis I was also focus on the lady in red just like the sailor 👍 Top job Christian
Greetz Phil
18 December 2013, 17:47

Thanks for your kind coments. I think I have to take some additional photos of the lady in red tomorrow. Maybe I should rename the dio into "The lady in red" ? 😉
18 December 2013, 20:44

I´m overwhelmed, Lemmy... Absolutely an eyecatcher! I love it...from the faded blue of the practice bombs...to the red of the women´s dress...From the reworked AIM9 to the newly engraved panellines... Just great!
19 December 2013, 07:18

Thank´s again. two more pics uploaded for all the fans of the lady in red 😉
19 December 2013, 11:09

Superb realization, and more to 1/72. The scene is very much alive and admirably performed. Congratulations Christian.
19 December 2013, 13:52

When I first saw this...
I was taken straight back to my childhood, it reminded me of a picture in a book I had, called " Winnie the Pooh ". In the book was an illustration by Ernest Shepard of Christopher Robin sitting on the second stair up of a short staircase.
It was of course drawn to go together with the poem by A.A. Milne called " Halfway Down "... Now this has nothing to do with your model which I like, but it does give a small insight on how my brain works. Lol ((😄 ))
19 December 2013, 16:51

@Steve "..There isn't any other stair quite like it. It's not at the bottom, it's not at the top. But this is the stair where I always stop!"
Merry Xmas!
19 December 2013, 17:54

Many thank's for your positve coments. Thi will give motivation for the next projects having in mind. 😄
20 December 2013, 16:49

At my age, I usually fall down the stairs! 🙂 🙂
Great job, Christian! 👍👍
20 December 2013, 22:02

Hi Christian,
very nice idea!
The carrier deck is amazing and the hole presentation is simply briliant!
Skilfull built and and a nice paintfinish!
Well done!
20 December 2013, 22:49

Thank's again mates
@Bill: Your Liberator is also awesome.
21 December 2013, 08:44

@ Dirk: Frohe Weihnacht. Ich hoffe wir sehen uns nächstes Jahr in Helchteren oder Mol?
22 December 2013, 00:01

Superb work Christian with a great idea for the dio! Respect 👍
26 December 2013, 23:36
Album info
Here the first pic of this project. I did some extra detailing in the maintenance compartments and main wheel wells.