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1 21 August 2013, 14:37

Hahaha, no, I'm not, but if he's who I think you mean, then I have to say he /is/ a bit of an inspiration to me! 🙂 And thanks - glad you like! I'm pretty happy with how this one turned out!
25 August 2013, 00:13

Yes i mean that good guy who has made millions of phantoms! lol Well done!
25 August 2013, 00:32

LOL! He probably won't stop until he's got a model of every single F-4 built! 😄
25 August 2013, 01:11

Das ist eine schöne Sammlung von Phantoms.
Mein Favorit unter den Jets
25 August 2013, 09:45

Danke, Martien. Nebst CF-100 und Sea Vixen ist die Phantom mein Lieblingsflugzeug! Ich arbeite jetzt auf #11, mein erste Luftwaffe Phantom (RF-4 in Norm 72)
25 August 2013, 11:47

Oh, totally! I'm looking forward to doing some of the experimental camo schemes on Luftwaffe F-4Fs! But the Iranian camo is pretty sharp, too (I really like that blue RF-4!)
25 August 2013, 12:16

Hier komme ich 2 mal am tag vorbei. Einmal wenn ich zur arbeit fahre und zurrück.
25 August 2013, 17:00

@Es-haq: Do you know if any more of the IRIAF Phantoms are going to get the blue scheme?
25 August 2013, 17:49

Hi Xenia,
Beautiful three-color camouflage, and an impressive Phantom-collection you have there. 🙂
27 August 2013, 04:29

Thanks, Bernd! I'm still really happy with how this one turned out, I think I got the colours pretty close to what they should be. I also really enjoyed using the Monokio decals, once I figured out what to do. They're self-adhesive, but quite fine, and what I did was to remove a decal from the sheet, dip it in water so that it will slide about on the model's surface to get it in position, and then press it down into place to lock it down. And they take Solvaset very well, too. So yeah, this was overall a very fun build!
14 February 2015, 21:14

Hard edges are easy with spray cans... soft edges practically impossible.
I don't recall for certain where I ordered them from, but I think I got them direct from Korea.
14 February 2015, 21:29