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Thomas Mayer (Thomas)

A-1H Skyraider Zoukei-mura

Photo 1 of 8


1 29 August 2013, 13:47
Wim van der Luijt
Very curious about Z-M kit, so I'm going to follow this one!
 29 August 2013, 14:03
Holger Kranich
I already had a look on it at SPAModeler! Awesome result and detail!
 29 August 2013, 14:47
Dave Flitton
Watching this one! Don't get lost inthe details!
 29 August 2013, 16:28
Michel Huijghe
I'm following this one.
 29 August 2013, 18:14
Luc B
tuned in 👍
 29 August 2013, 19:06
Thomas Mayer Författare
Thanks a lot! 🙂

Dave, it is rather hard not to get lost in details. There are so many! I do paint even parts that won´t be visible later just for the fun of it, but not all of course.

So far it is a beautiful experience to build this kit. As every kit I have had in my hands the last 40+ years this one has some small areas that need special attention in regards to the assembly manual or the parts fit. But so far nothing I would waste a word about. Indeed there is a very lot of stuff to assemble, pure fun for me!
 30 August 2013, 07:53
Clifford Keesler
Looking good,love skyraiders.
 30 August 2013, 17:47
Holger Kranich
Any progress here, Thomas?
 23 September 2013, 14:39
Thomas Mayer Författare
Hi Holger! The build has slowed done due to health issues. But some progress has been made, first to be shown on our young forum here:
 23 September 2013, 14:46
Holger Kranich
Health issues? Dont sounds good!
 23 September 2013, 14:53
Larry E
 23 September 2013, 15:14
Vegard Øksenholt
Very nice! Hope you will continue on this project soon Thomas
 8 July 2016, 12:38
Thomas Mayer Författare
Vegard, I hope so, too! 🙂
Thanks for your nice comment!
 8 July 2016, 14:31
Kerry COX
Thomas. 👍 I am wondering if your progress with this build has gone any further, as I still have not completed mine either. ?
 24 July 2016, 23:45
Thomas Mayer Författare
Indeed I got further, before storing it on the shelf of doom due to having got interested to build another kit... It´s now down in the basement, well covered in a plastic box.
I think about getting it back to the bench, but I miss the mood to do anything these days...
 25 July 2016, 06:41

Project info

8 bilder
Placerad i kö
1:32 Douglas A-1H Skyraider (Zoukei-Mura SWS03)1:32 A-1H Skyraider U.S. Navy (Zoukei-Mura SWS03-D03)1:32 A-1H Skyraider Interior Set (Zoukei-Mura SWS03-M04)2+

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