My son`s car accident 19-8-2013
Photo 1 of 4
6 September 2013, 02:39

Already Rommel knew that Alamein is a dangerous place!
Looking at the pictures somebody was very lucky to have survided this.
Wish your son best and soon recovery!
6 September 2013, 05:32

Oh damn, that dont looks good!
Hopefully your son recovers quick!
...Corsair is better than Zero, your son is a good one!;)
But when i look at the pix, its a miracle that he is not more wounded...
6 September 2013, 06:45

Hello Sherif
Soon recovery for your son and all the best.
6 September 2013, 07:16

Hi Sherif, your son can celebrate another birthday. Lcky that he came out alive.
6 September 2013, 07:51

I'm glad that he n' his friends is relativly ok after this horrible accident. I hope for a speedy recovery for all four.
6 September 2013, 10:45

I am amazed of the state of the car. Are we driving a biscuit can or what? Thanks guys. I think that one 88mm gun got a round at them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6 September 2013, 12:54

Oh wow. That looks scary. But great news that your son will be fine - that is the important part!
6 September 2013, 13:22

It is amazing, with newer cars, how badly destroyed they will look after an accident yet the passengers survive! Good luck to your son and his friends.
6 September 2013, 14:28

Hi Sherif...
Nasty very nasty, I hope all four recover soon...
By the look of what's left of that car, all four are very lucky to be still with us...
Send my regards and good luck to you Sherif...
6 September 2013, 18:40

Hi Sherif, best wishes to all the guys, speedy recovery! I'm wondering how many times the car rolled over... Best regards to all of you.
6 September 2013, 20:22

My lips are sealed. I always felt that scalemates is a family to me and now i am very sure.
6 September 2013, 23:55
Album info
Lots of cuts, bruises and minor brain concussion. He is okay and recovering but sleeps a lot and misses a couple of things but doctors said he will recover soon. He was not driving and his three other friends are okay. It happened at the north coast from Alamein. We spent one week in Alexandria while he was in intensive care. One of the funny things after the accident, effects of his father, was what he said. He kept saying Messerschmidt 109 where is it but Corsair is better than Zero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!