Fiat BR. 20 Cicogna
1September 18, 2013
Fiat BR. 20 Cicogna
2September 18, 2013
Fiat B.R. 20 Cicogna
3September 18, 2013
Fiat B.R. 20 Cicogna
5September 18, 2013
Fiat B.R. 20 Cicogna
6September 18, 2013
Fiat B.R. 20 Cicogna
7September 18, 2013
Fiat B.R. 20 Cicogna
8September 21, 2013
Fiat B.R. 20 Cicogna
18 September 2013, 15:23
vincent coynethis looks good hard colour sceme
18 September 2013, 15:59
Jan Voorbij FörfattareThank you guys. There are two more compicated items coming up.
18 September 2013, 21:21
Jan Voorbij FörfattareAnd another one, the beautiful Cicogna. I/m preparing to build one that participated in the Battle of Britain.
21 March 2015, 16:24
KerberOh, another one.. Very nice !
21 March 2015, 18:15
Album info
Fiat BR.20 Cicogna
276 Sq. Bombardemento Terrestra, 116 Gruppo B.T., 37 Stormo B.T.
Albania, winter 1940-1941 (Balkan-campain)
[Italeri 1:72, nr. 103, Vintage Collection 1972, nr. 238/3500]
8 bilder

Fiat BR.20 Cicogna
Regia Aeronautica (Italian Air Force 1935-1943)276 Sql.,BT, 116 Gruppo BT, 37 Stormo BT 276-6Januari 1941 
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