color works begin
1 6 October 2013, 13:21

I added some new pics from this project,
here you can see the mirco painting including a second wash.
16 October 2013, 06:16

Interesting Oliver...
But expanding on Erik's post...
Where do you get Industrial Alcohol???
I did not know/realize it was available to the general public over the counter!!!
16 October 2013, 06:50

You can also get it in a pharmacy...
It is not calling industrial there, of course
16 October 2013, 07:24

It goes on with some updates:
- underside colors are done and nearby finished
- upper basic colors and some shades done 🙂
21 November 2013, 19:08

Decals added on al sides.
Next steps are weathering the Decals and colors, chipping and washing...
3 December 2013, 06:37
Album info
after doing the preshades I begun to color the undersites by airbrush.
Here I sprayed a high deluted mixture of Medium Sea Gray with industrial alcohol to get a smoth color which shows the pre-shades.