Sherman M4A3 Wintercamo
1 26 January 2014, 18:23

I foolishly deleted the album, here it is again...😉
26 January 2014, 18:27

Very nice looking diorama you have going on there. The creek and the bridge are outstanding!
26 January 2014, 18:52

foolishly? or to hide evidence? 😄
Glad you´re not submittibg this as your winter warrior.. so I even might have a small chance😉
26 January 2014, 18:56

Both😉 I first wanted to delete only the pictures, but I deleted the whole album ... And for winter warriors, I have a new one 🙂
26 January 2014, 19:13

Great work👍 lovely dio 🙂 couple of questions, what did you use for the water? and the paint rack in the background, is it bought or home made?
26 January 2014, 19:15

Besides the excellent dio'...
I'm also impressed with the regiment of paints parading in the rear, all at uniform, dutiful attention, all facing front... Sir yes Sir... at ease men😄
26 January 2014, 19:22

funny, just today I got all sorted by colors, because I have found no more! now I can even read the color. I'm actually a little chaot. 😳 Unfortunately, still too few colors. 😭
26 January 2014, 19:53

Thank you Martin! I bought the paint racks here
The water is "still water" Vallejo with white clue. But now comes another thin layer of silicone on it
26 January 2014, 19:57

Just a few new pics, a little work on the vegetation
27 January 2014, 21:52

Hattest Du nicht irendetwas von "Hab seid ewiger Zeit nicht mehr gebastelt und bin nun im Hobby zurück..." gesagt?
Du elender Heuchler hast ja wohl gnadenlos untertrieben!😄
Sieht absolut geil aus! Bin gespannt wie es rüberkommt wenn es fertig ist!
Die Flora ist fantastisch und der whitewash grandios!
28 January 2014, 08:07

Ich schwör! Aber der eine kann es halt, der andere... 😛😉
28 January 2014, 08:33

@ Holger vielleicht sollten wir auch einfach mal ne längere pause machen ... vll. Hilfts ja was😉 😄
28 January 2014, 08:57

In 24 Jahren bist du ein bissi älter als ich jetzt, das passt!😉
28 January 2014, 09:07
Album info
Sherman ensures the refugees, Sherman build oob, status: wip