1 22 February 2014, 08:40

Looks great, Sebastijan. I didn't realize for quite a while that this is not 1:72 👍
Makes me wonder why the Chinese put the wings so far aft, tight turns should be an issue. Looks like a crossover between a Berkut and a MiG 1.44 gone wrong with elements added from the F-35 (inlets) and the F-22 (nose section)
22 February 2014, 10:54

Thank you Burkhard! It indeed reminds me of all those aircraft... Just a though about the wings - this is quite a big bird and Chinese claim it has a very long range so I'm guessing it's role is more like a stealth version of MiG-31 - long range interceptor rather than an agile supermanuverable dogfighter.
22 February 2014, 14:31