VF-1 Wolfpack
Photo 1 of 54
19 April 2014, 06:28

Big project with all the added detail. Enjoyed the step-by-step photos and how it is nicely coming together. I am following to see how it comes together. Nice so far!
19 April 2014, 15:58

Man this is top of the list, what a beauty Rob. I built this colour scheme 1987, but it didnt turn out anything like this masterpiece. Love it. I have to build another like you have done , I will be happy if it turns out half as good.
20 April 2014, 04:39

Man I'm blushing 😄 I was doing this for a campaign on Model Shipwrights but did not finish in time so now I am taking a little more care in the finishing process. I have some wet sanding to do on the clear coat before adding the decals.
20 April 2014, 06:06

Keep up the fantastic work Rob, this is my favourite F-14 colour scheme. looking forward to seeing it finished.
20 April 2014, 06:08

Oh Rob, I forgot to say thank you for the "in progress" construction snaps. They are an inspiration to any one building this kit.
20 April 2014, 06:10

My kit is the original first release so I did not have that problem, that being said this same scheme was used on later aircraft flying off the USS Ranger.
24 April 2014, 07:02

Ignorance is bliss. I always dislike the moment, when someone comes up in the good meaning with a warning that particular part of the kit is inaccurate. It happened to me with my current project of L-39C where the shape of the canopy is just wrong. Let's hope that the intakes issue here is just some minor hickup that could be fixed easily.
24 April 2014, 10:01

I had read about the problems with the intakes and saw the solution Hasegawa used in later kits, but I did not have much of a problem with them.
24 April 2014, 11:47

Looking good!
Reminds me I have one of those half built from -92 lying around somewhere..
Time to dig out and restart perhaps?...
30 April 2014, 07:47

Thanks Guys! I have run into a problem 🙁 after putting the navy decal on I noticed that the decal carrier is quite yellow on the kit decals, did not show till one went over the white paint. I am trying to bleach the yellow out of the two decals applied and the rest are taped to a window. No more progress till this sorts itself out. LOL.
Cheers Rob.
14 July 2014, 04:16

Hope you get the decal problem worked out. I have that same sheet.
14 July 2014, 15:55

Clifford, it is the kit sheet that is giving me trouble not the Microscale sheet. 🙂 Jens, Thanks!
Cheers Rob.
15 July 2014, 00:08

It's funny, after posting my trouble with the Navy decal here I noticed the decals I had added to this project and one sheet that I had decided not to use has the Navy decals. 🙂 So I am using Micro Sol to take the old Navy off and will add the ones from that sheet. Still will have to try and bleach out the yellow from what is left of the kit decals but that is easier on the sheet than on the model. 🙂
Cheers Rob.
21 July 2014, 07:24

Awesome work, so far! Keep the pix coming! Are the pe hatches in the Verlinden box?
26 October 2014, 10:19

Thanks guys! 🙂 Yes all the PE is from the Verlinden sets.
Cheers Rob.
27 October 2014, 00:47
Album info
Hasegawa F-14A initial release with both Verlinden updates, Master M61 Cannon, Eduard Aim-54A, Superscale decals and Microscale data.